There is an awful lot of bullshit out there in the physical training field these days. People find the oldies-but-goodies boring, especially since they are damn hard work, so they tend to go for all the latest fads. Plus it's a lot more lucrative to charge for some new exercise variant you've invented yourself, which is why we have so many glitzy trickets and programs out there these days. (The ShakeWeight? Squats on a medicine ball . . . WTF?)
My university has perhaps the oldest exercise physiology program in the country, so a lot of exercise research takes place here. Interestingly, they keep finding out that the old techniques are the best. The old strongmen of the late 19th and early 20th centuries knew what they were doing. There is just no substitute for the compound lifts -- squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, dips, etc. -- for building strong, durable human beings.
Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel