I don't take anything extra to wake up. MOL like MT Bob I stagger/stumble around in the dark/ predawn light. Get my walking clothes on and head out. My eyes are still almost completely shut for the first block or so. The cold and wind usually wake me up the rest of the way. No artificial stimulant needed.
Originally Posted by: wpr
I completed Insanity during the Packers last Super Bowl run. Only thing is on week six I think it was I threw my back out so I had to take several days off and then picked up where I left off.
Sunday I completed the entire workout from Day 1 to Day 63 no setbacks. The results have been impressive. I just wish I had ate better. I was eating Strawberry sundae's once and sometimes twice a week the first month or so.
As Rourke said, milk is a good thing to drink. It has fat which the body needs. When you consume portions of fat, your body burns that fat instead of burning muscle. I dropped from over 19% body fat to just over 14% during the workout.
You can consider me sold on Insanity. I just wish I didn't have to wake up at 5am to get the dang workouts in everyday.
To fix my sluggish morning starts, I just go to bed around 8pm-ish and get a decent 7-8 hours of sleep and I'm good to go.