FWIW, I'd separate the decision into two questions:
1. The family question. I don't how to answer that one, as I've never been in the "dad" position. (I have had a few students from Colorado, and they've been uniformly well prepared by their schools.)
2. The corporate culture question. You speak of being taken over a year ago and the new company wanting things centralized. My guiding question would be, "has the general culture changed for the better or worse in that year?" If it's better, then I'd recommend relocating (assuming you're satisfied on question #1, of course).
I wouldn't let the "never been out of Wisconsin' play a big role. You're young enough, and have skills, you aren't going to be "stuck" in Colorado if you find you hate it.
If it's not, and especially if its worse, then I'd say don't. IMO you've got a marketable skill set that doesn't require you to uproot your family just because the company is going in another direction.
IMO, I'd answer #2 first. If 2 says "relocate," then I'd sit down with the kids for an extended conversation. Explain why you think it makes sense career-wise, family-wise, life-wise, for you, for kids, for universe. Ask what they think of the idea, what they like about it (as well, of course, what they don't.) Tell them this is the way you're leaning, but still haven't decided 100%. Etc. One of those long family roundtable thingies.
"Wade" wrote: