I've read the same thing about Janis, but he's already been in the system. Kind of makes you wonder about him.
Originally Posted by: nerdmann
The problem is every thing we read is not specific evaluations from the staff. And ya cant trust a word the staff says to a reporter. EG, "we trust Barclay;" then on first not quick pass play, Sitton and Starks are over helping...LOL, ya sure you trust him! [I'm not complaining, keeping things in house is an important part of being a winner-just stating a reality].
Ted Thompson has never [and rightly so] said a substantive thing to the press. What did he say at one of those draft PCs, I have no secrets, but if I did i wouldn't tell you....LOL
If Janis is not developing he'll stay 2nd string and when playing will play only one position 'cause they don't trust him to play others and if by now he cant play two, then he probably doesn't have adequate football acumen to play in GB's system.
You wanna know what TT's thinking, ya watch his actions or nonactions, not his words. If GB dont make a move, they're confident in Janis [or Abby].
But it's possible Ted Thompson decides he wants Jones, Wayne, Nicks, Parker or Collie; calls them and they all say NO. Then some will cry Ted Thompson did nothing, but he did all he could, we just wont ever hear of it.