I like this thread for the grammar nerdery.
Originally Posted by: Silentio
Monday was my birthday and after a little good cheer I was not ready to waste my time with sleep. Look at the time of the original post.
The phrasing was inadequate and lazily I attempted to use commas to help clarify rather than rewriting the sentence.
I apologize for that.
It was disrespectful to Packers Home members to attempt to laugh it off the next morning. I apologize for not upholding the high gramatical standards of Packers Home.
To the person who posted the link
Cold Hard Football Facts website on this stat That is where I got the idea but they had a follow up article last summer.
The Packers 38.1 in passer differential is close to the 1996 team's 40.3.
In fact, since the 1966 Packers whopping 56.0, the only Champions to be better than the Packers current 38.1 are:
1972 Dolphins 39.5
1975 Steelers 43.9
1989 49'ers 46.3
1991 Redskins 39.2
1994 49'ers 43.3
1996 Packers 40.3
1999 Rams 40.3 (according to that website)
Last year the Packers had the lowest opponent passer rating in the NFL and finished at 31.7, best in the NFL and above the Champions average of 27.4 since 1940.
In the last 70 years only 19 NFL Champions have finished with a better differential than the current Packers(including the 1962, 1966, and 1996 Packers). This year they have the highest passer rating in the NFL and the best passer rating differential.
BTW check out this link (bottom of the page) and you will see that Dom Capers is a big believer in this stat.
Ask Vic Column "Well, back then, coach Capers was all about turnover differential, but during our most recent chat he dropped a new one on me: quarterback passer rating differential. He explained that the Packers enjoyed a 40-some point advantage in passer rating differential during the postseason. I have no doubt that’s a coach Capers original. He’s an amazing coach." Ask Vic 2/24/2011.
Pass this stat along to any worry warts that say the Packers pass defense this season is not good enough.