Teachers in the "private sector" don't get NEARLY as much money, let alone benefits as public school teachers.
Look at it this way.......the teachers are already getting a very sweet deal. So even if they didn't get a pay raise, they still would be making alot more then teachers in private schools.
What i'm saying is, what Walker has been trying to do. Make public workers pay at least a little more towards their benefits, and get their wages down to a more resonable level, more in line with the public sector.
Of COURSE i expect the public workers to throw a hissy fit when they are asked to give up ANYTHING. That's just what happened. But the overall Wisconsin people know this, and still voted to keep a guy in office that won't sellt he future of Wisconsin tax payers down the river just to make the unions happy.
I bet if you took away the votes of Madison and Milwaukee, it would have been a landslide win by Walker.
The liberal "Walker is attacking the little guy!" rant fools too many people that don't really know what's going on.
It's "class envy" that works for them. They say Walker is for the rich, while Barrett is for the poor.
Yet the guys screaming these rants are also VERY rich people. They forget to metion that though.
The recall is over. Millions of tax dollars that could have gone for good, have been wasted.
Who paid for it? Yup....us tax payers.
Hopefully this will stop this kind of thing from happening again. Recalls should be for things like, say, breaking the law. Maybe running off to Illinois when you don't want to do your job you were voted into office to do.