Your the expert in everything here tell me. I was out working for a living and i think i'm entitled to my opinion here the last time i checked. Also where did i say i know exactly what went on there????
"gotarace" wrote:
lol ... awesome! Let's turn on each other because that's the intelligent thing to do!!!
I love having this place. It's awesome. It's so splendid!
Wait, I'm the expert on everything? Schweeeet! (it should be known, im no expert, on anything! thanks for the props tho)
You were out working for a living? Guess what, so is Mike Wood, on his full time job. It's not like the guy is going to be homeless now.
The unfortunate thing for fans is the not knowing what's going on. You don't know, I don't know, the person posting next, doesn't know. None of us know. We know what is reported. That's it. Believe mm? Believe Wood? Neither?
It's cat chasing tail debate and I think those debates are run out quickly. I mean, the thing that disappoints me is, if this was the off season, no sweat, wouldn't think twice about this topic going so far. But, we're just days from a game, now less than a day an a half, and this is the thread that garners peoples attention? Yet, during the off season, its going to be the same old "Damn wish the season would start!!!" ...
And of course you're entitled to your thoughts on the matter. Never said ya were Mr Hostile! š I'm pointing out that, I thought we had better things to discuss, instead, many would rather rally around a negative, than discuss positives. To go further with this, its also why I don't like watching the News. Negativity sells, happy cheery positive, does not. So what do you see dominate the news headlines? :pukeright: