15 years ago

Let's not devolve this thread into pointless bickering because that's when panties get knotted.

"TheEngineer" wrote:

Agreed. I can honestly say I get a little worked up about it too.

(Speaking of which, am I the only one who thinks that underwear is the single thing in the entire universe that defies gravity and always must ride up as far as it can wedge itself?)

"TheEngineer" wrote:

It's like they are magnetized to your cornhole. Science cannot explain this...
The Pack Will Be Back.
15 years ago

(Speaking of which, am I the only one who thinks that underwear is the single thing in the entire universe that defies gravity and always must ride up as far as it can wedge itself?)

"wils0646" wrote:

It's like they are magnetized to your cornhole. Science cannot explain this...

"TheEngineer" wrote:


That's where faith comes in.

You better have faith that your buttpickin' can pull that wad out!
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
15 years ago
There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of the Ark and its validity.. I have extreme faith in my brand of religion, however there are certain fables that I find difficult to shallow as fact... this is one of them.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago

There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of the Ark and its validity.. I have extreme faith in my brand of religion, however there are certain fables that I find difficult to shallow as fact... this is one of them.

"pack93z" wrote:

I've never heard of that saying before.
15 years ago
I talked to my Mom today about all sorts of things but eventually I brought up the great flood. She told me something about the melting of glaciers and I started doing some research.

This article explains everything well. It's written scientifically but does not discount any religious perspective:

There's even the Glacial Lake Missoula which had similar situations occur around the same time (12,000 years ago) as the great flood:

The Short Story
About 12,000 years ago, the valleys of western Montana lay beneath a lake nearly 2,000 feet deep. Glacial Lake Missoula formed as the Cordilleran Ice Sheet dammed the Clark Fork River just as it entered Idaho. The rising water behind the glacial dam weakened it until water burst through in a catastrophic flood that raced across Idaho, Oregon, and Washington toward the Pacific Ocean. Thundering waves and chunks of ice tore away soils and mountainsides, deposited giant ripple marks, created the scablands of eastern Washington and carved the Columbia River Gorge. Over the course of centuries, Glacial Lake Missoula filled and emptied in repeated cycles, leaving its story embedded in the land.

Source: http://www.glaciallakemissoula.org/ 

For those of you with further curiosity of these theories I encourage you to examine these pages:

I love this chart too:
It shows what different cultural reactions were to the flood and how they compared to the biblical representation.

Finally I want to leave you all with this quote, as I just found it and I LOVE IT:

* Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
* Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
* Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
* Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
* Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
* But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

-- Gautama Buddha

15 years ago
I read the article on "Lucy". Seriously, how are they "sure" of anything, except they found bones of one animal? Here's part of what was said:

"Professor Robin Crompton of Liverpool University has used computer modelling to reconstruct how Lucy walked based on the proportions of her skeleton. He assumed that Lucy could either have walked upright with a bent hip and knees like a chimp, or with straight legs like a human."

Again, "assumed" means it was 100% for certain that way? 40% of a skeleton of ONE creature is proof that we all came from ape like creatures? Do you see how much blind faith it takes to believe that? They say "she" lived 3.5 million years ago. How can they prove it was 3.5 million, or 5000 years ago? The real truth is, they can't. They throw out numbers, because who can PROVE they are wrong?

Try walking around for one day with your knees bent. Lets see how easy that would be. Again, they make comments that they are SURE of with no proof of any of it more then what they fabricate.

And vestigial structures that are funtional?
Lets see......birds with wings that don't fly. Where is the proof that those species of birds EVER flew? Just because they have wings, it HAS to be for flight only? Couldn't the reasons you listed that they use them for be the reason God made them have wings in the first place? Or does it have to be that because WE (man) thinks they are vestigial, they ARE vestigial?

Couldn't it be "Some still use their wings to glide, balance, and even attracting mates" that that is how God designed those particular birds?
Some birds have teeth. Even though some fossilized "bird like" creatures had teeth and feathers, and scientists point to those as "birds that were evolving". Yet some today have teeth. What does that prove?

Believe me, i'm not at ALL worked up about what has been typed. Actually, all that has been said just further solidifies my faith. The things that have been used to try to show i am wrong in my thinking, i think i have shown very possible alternatives to. Just in this one posting, i have shown that.

Two people can look at the same thing, and come up with 2 different explanations. You see what these scientists say, and decide to take what they say as "gospel". I see what they write, and see all the things missing from their theories. Like saying something is "vestigial" just because we don't know if there just might be a reason they were designed that way. Take my previous explanation of the whale bones. People read what the scientists write, and believe it. I mean, they are scientists! They MUST be right, right? Yet anyone with any knowledge of whale anatomy KNOWS what the bones were designed for in the first place. For the muscle anchor points.
They use people's lack of knowledge to further their agenda.
15 years ago
And, there are floods all over the earth at sometime or another. A "glacial flood" would affect a small area, (by small i mean not the entire earth) and it could happen in small ways all over the world.
Yet they find the same "fossil record" layers in the same depth all over the world. In fact, thats what they make up their whole "time line" of what they in theory say happened. Thats how they say the layers were laid down over "millions of years". Yet my explanation of a world wide flood would put down layers, and with the upright trees i have seen pictures of going through supposedly layers laid down over "millions of years", make a whole lot more sense.
I have yet to see any scientist explain how these trees stood up for millions of years while each layer overtook them.
Or for that matter, why there are fossils all over these layers. Think about this......if an animal dies, how many of them remain in one place? What i mean is, if you have ever seen a dead animal in the woods, does it just sit there long enough to become fossilized? I have never seen that. Anywhere i have seen a dead animal, they are picked on by scavengers, their bones scattered. Yet we see billions (i'm sure it's even more the billions) of fossilized creatures, all dying at the same time, where nothing was alive TO scavenge them. And they were buried fast enough for their bones, and some even their flesh, not to decay. What explains that, except a world wide flood that all happened at one time?
Thats just it.....nohing else explains that.

Believe me, i'm not one bit upset at the posts made showing why some people believe as they do. All i hope is, that they open their minds enough to look honestly at what i have written.
Believe me, i KNOW i don't know everything. I just throw things out there, all the things i have learned over my many years of looking at both sides, and show why i came to what for me at least, are more possible conclusions.

I may have shown some people some good reasons WHY i believe as i do. I KNOW there are some that will choose to believe the evolution story no matter how many points that come up that question it. I know those people won't change their mind no matter what i try to show them. I'm ok with that. In the end, everyone makes their own choice as to what they believe. I can't, and wouldn't WANT to "force" anyone to believe as i do. I'm hoping some may CHOOSE to believe as i do for the very reasons i have pointed out.
15 years ago
I really enjoyed this quote....i just updated it a bit.

* Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
* Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many.
* Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your science books.
* Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and scientists.
* Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations......unless these traditions make more sense then what the teachers and scientists are trying to tell you.

This one i REALLY like
* But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

So i guess Buddah, who was a religious leader, must believe as i do? I mean, how is a theory that man....and EVERYTHING for that matter, just came out of nothing? That God didn't make things as He said?
How is a theory based on a house of cards going to benefit mankind?
Putting your faith in something that in the end, benefits WHO exactly? Trying to disprove God is good in what way? I mean the God of the Bible, in case there is any question on what 'god" i mean.
Oh....i don't follow Buddah's teachings.......he has much that i don't agree with.

Believe me.....i question things written in "religious books". Thats why i don't belong to a "religion".
15 years ago

I believe the flood was the entire world. Otherwise, why wouldn't God just tell Noah "Hey Noah......take your family and WALK to higher ground".

Plus, the fossil record shows that the entire world was flooded. The layers laid down in what is now rock all over the world shows it.
Again, if it was a local flood, animals and birds would just go to other areas, right? But they were buried, and became fossilized. There was no where for them to go. There was water EVERYWHERE.

Zero.......how can someone explain "faith?" Faith is believeing what you can't see. I can explain till i'm blue in the face how God has changed me, but unless YOU take that step of faith, it won't make sense to you.

"Cheesey" wrote:

that does make sense if you put pangea into effect (for those who dont know it was the continent of every single continent put together-the super continent), if pangea is not in effect thats very hard to believe because that would mean each continent was flooded and that would be useless
unless god is vwery short tempered
15 years ago
Buddha's my favorite religious leader but because of his ideas; he was more of a philosopher than a God.

And Cheesey, you seem so engraved in your faith that I doubt even the proof you talk about so much would make you change your stance if it did existed (and it does).

I just find it EXTREMELY hypocritical that you blast down any scientific theories that actually have evidence, that is to say PROOF, in favor of faith, that is to say BLINDNESS. I have never liked most religious people because they seem to care more about being right than having an open-minded debate. Some people can't grasp a world without God, Heaven or Hell so they close their mind off to amazing discoveries and personal exploration, choosing to live in the comfortable world their religion has created for themselves instead of branching out and forming their own opinions.

As far as evolution versus creationism goes:

Its important to note that a theory which is supported by all the available evidence, like evolution, is not the same as a theory like intelligent design, which will be consistent with any evidence that might turn up. A theory that will always be consistent with everything doesnt really explain anything. It may be an excellent theological doctrine, but it isnt a scientific theory at all, because no test or observation could ever disprove it.

Creationism then is convenient because everything is proof. As a religious person you can answer any question with "God did it." Why? Because there's no way of disproving it. I could have bought a T-Shirt that I thought was an XXL but it was XL, instead of blaming myself I could say "God did it to teach my a lesson" and be done with it, instead of taking credit for my own stupidity.

The reason there is nearly universal acceptance among scientists for the theory of evolution is that all the evidence thus far examined supports the theory and none contradicts it. Its not just the biological evidence from the fossil record, comparative anatomy, and DNA analysis. Its also that the theory is consistent with other fields of science, such as geology, plate tectonics, astronomy, and physics.

Evolution at least has scientific evidence in it's favor.
Fan Shout
Mucky Tundra (23h) : From what I'm reading, MM is under contract through the 14th of January; after that he's free game
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : McCarthy let go or not extended??
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Chicago Bears have asked the Dallas Cowboys permission to interview Mike McCarthy for head coaching vacancy
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : The winners page that is
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : I was not hoping for that. It messes up the page lol
beast (6-Jan) : Thank you, and I was really opening we were going to get 4 or more tied for the top 3.
beast (6-Jan) : Thank you, and I was really opening we were going to get 4 or more tied for the top 3.
beast (6-Jan) : Thank you, and I was really opening we were going to get 4 or more tied for the top 3
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : congrats beast on 2024 !
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : congrats porky on winning 2023 pick'em! (oops sorry)
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : Packers have $60M+ of 2025 cap space on paper TODAY.
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Missed FG into a Lions TD; that'll do pig, that'll do
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : That might be it for the Vikings
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Oh so the refs do know what intentional grounding is
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : what the hell was that Goff?! Not much pressure and he just air mails it to Harrison
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : They really need to to get rid of the auto first down for illegal contact
Martha Careful (6-Jan) : watching the Vikings and Lions it's understandable why they swept the Packers. So much better product
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Even when GB got pressure he was throwing darts; vs no pressure on that last pass he just air mails an open guy
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : didn't have guys in his face ... pressure makes difference
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Where was this Darnold vs GB?
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : BALL DON'T LIE
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : how was that not a safety? Goff throws it at an offensive lineman
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Zero, I thought that was a given! ;)
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : Zero I looked through earlier and noticed the same thing. Bonkers year. I just wonder if beast put any money on games
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : I'm hoping for BLOODBATH. Pummel one another.
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : 8 people in pick'em would have won any year with their total lol
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : I'm rooting for the Lions to lose.
Mucky Tundra (6-Jan) : God help me but I'm rooting for the Vikings to...Vikings to...Christ I can't say it
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : 4 td for Rodgers
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : Chiefs got shutout
Zero2Cool (6-Jan) : Rodgers passes for 3rd TD. might be last game of an amazing career
Mucky Tundra (5-Jan) : "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."
Zero2Cool (5-Jan) : Owner ... love it
Zero2Cool (5-Jan) : Mayo was the guy they groomed for HC and one of the reasons they let Bill go.
Mucky Tundra (5-Jan) : Pats have the #4 pick, lots of cap space and Maye at QB; should fetch some attention
Mucky Tundra (5-Jan) : Well that didn't take long; Jerod Mayo out as Patriots HC
Zero2Cool (5-Jan) : I would expect it to be higher in favor of Eagles
Mucky Tundra (5-Jan) : Thst line seems...generous
Zero2Cool (5-Jan) : Eagles -3.5 over Packers in Wildcard Round
Mucky Tundra (5-Jan) : Did it though? Pokes beat the Commanders on the road with Cooper Rush previously
Zero2Cool (5-Jan) : That gives them their best chance
Mucky Tundra (5-Jan) : Cowboys starting Trey Lance at QB vs Commanders; GB vs Philly in the Wild Card incoming!
Mucky Tundra (4-Jan) : Stinks for Lloyd. Hoping he comes back strong for next year
Zero2Cool (3-Jan) : Packers placed Marshawn Lloyd on reserve non-football illness list
Zero2Cool (3-Jan) : Luke Getsy been helping Packers defense. He's former OC Bears/Raiders and our old QB coach
beast (2-Jan) : Thanks dfosterf, I'm still kicking myself for last week, as I forgot to change to pick Vikings and Lions... after putting in a holding spot.
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : First alternate: Elgton Jenkins Other alternates: Jordan Love, Kenny Clark, Keisean Nixon, Tucker Kraft, Josh Myers, Jaire Alexander
Zero2Cool (2-Jan) : Pro Bowl still a thing? Guess Packers have three. Jacobs, Gary, McKinney.
dfosterf (2-Jan) : It's a mine field with all the players sitting, etc
dfosterf (2-Jan) : There was quite a bit of "chalk" matchups this year it seemed, but not this week coming up
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