No human has all the answers Shawn. Not ONE of them. When you were a little boy, didn't your parents tell you to do or not do certain things that didn't make sense to you at the time? Did that keep you from trusting them and obeying them? And if you didn't obey, there were consequences, right?
If you are looking for 100% of ALL the answers to every question you have, it won't happen. it's impossible, period. I bet there are things that you use in your every day life that you don't even think about. And i bet you just take those things for granted and don't question exactly how everything works. You just know it works, and you use it. Yet you expect the answers to everything from God, or you won't put your trust in Him? Seems like asking alot. Plus, it does away with any "faith" at all.
I don't think the flood was a "fable" at all. If you look at the countless fossils that were buried by it, you'd know it wasn't just some "story". And if God said there were no other righteous people at the time, I believe Him. He would know, wouldn't He? There wasn't that big of a population that far back either.