Alan, this video is pretty much why I believe evolution. Take a look at it. It's a very well done video that basically breaks down how evolution can be seen on the same wavelength when looking at physical evidence like fossils and genetic evidence. All fields of science come to the same conclusion.
"wils0646" wrote:
I watched it......man....it just shows what i said all along. You can twist ANYTHING to fit your preconceived ideas. If you want it to "prove" evolution, you will point at everything that supposedly does so, and forget anything that doesn't.
The video say when showing "arms" of different creatures "They all look similar, but are very different." Yup.....I agree with that. They have the same basic design. Yup....agree with that too. All things have similar DNA. Yup, agree with that too! So the ONLY answer we can come to is everything came from a rock "millions of years ago". Huh???
LIke i have said, 2 people can look at the same thing, and come up to 2 different conclusions. Because everything is made up of the same stuff, and have similar design, we all have a common ancestor. Uh......how about WE ALL HAVE A COMMON DESIGNER!!!
God used the same materials to create everything, thus we have similarities.
The TREE thing they used at the beginning. Tree rings ARE useful to date trees. That is something we can PROVE. And if you have written history that says "so and so was born such and such date" that can be proof. But "carbon dating?" Thats where it becomes a crap shoot. Carbon dating has been PROVEN inaccurate. They have "carbon dated" living mollusks, and found them to be "millions of years old!"
So using tree rings and written history is SCIENCE that can be proven. Once you go away from the written history, you can make up anything you want, no matter how far fetched it is, and who can prove you are wrong?
Oh....and what i REALLY loved in the video was the use of "lobed finned fish" as the ancestor to reptiles. That the "lobed fins" were PROOF of a fish "evolving" into a walking creature! I laughed out loud when i heard that! Did you not read my posting on the "lobed finned" coelicanth?
I'll tell you what.....if i was trying to prove something, i myself wouldn't post a video that was already dissproved by what the other person already posted! But thats just me i guess.
And these "scientists" use the fossil record to date the rocks around them, and the rocks around the fossils to date the fossils. "Circular reasoning" i believe it's called.
Lets see.....a bicycle has tires....a motorcycle has tires......cars have tires.....18 wheelers have tires. So they MUST have "evolved" from a unicycle, right?
How about....they have a common DESIGNER, man!
And believe me, there are MANY scientists that do NOT believe in evolution.
Using creatures in the "fossil record" that are extinct to make up an evolution tree is science fiction, period. Just because something LOOKS similar does not prove they are related, only that they have the same desiger. Our DNA is colse to the DNA of MANY creatures and plants. Yet if you changed even ONE part of DNA, it wouldn't work, and you would die.
We were all designed by God. That explains ALL the similarities.