Not with these guys ANYMORE. I refuse to discuss present day problems with people who don't look at minorities, immigrants, and gays as equal human beings. Fuck em and the white privilege their spoiled with.
Originally Posted by: DakotaT
I'm white. Therefore I'm privileged. Therefore I'm spoiled. Therefore I don't look at minorities or immigrants or gays as equal human beings.
In one post, Troy, you make not one, not two, but five unsupported ad hominem attacks against me and my fellows among "these guys." (I am "white", after all.)
Attack #1: I'm privileged.
I will stipulate to this. Certainly, with all my education, income, I am privileged now. One for you.
Attack #2: I'm spoiled.
Okay, I'll stipulate to this one, too, though it has very little to do with my "privilege" and more to do with the fact that I was the "baby" of the family and ten years younger than my next youngest sibling. I'll even stipulate that as a spoiled kid I have made some horrendous personal decisions, some financial and some in my (rare) relationships with the opposite sex. Of course I've also admitted to each of these personal failings repeatedly over my years year.
Attack #3: I look at minorities differently. I categorically and absolutely deny this. I admit it -- I do find attractive white brunette women sexier than I find attractive black women. I also find them sexier than white blondes, white redheads, and all bald women. Is that racist or bigoted of me? Other than that, where's your evidence?
Attack #4: I look at immigrants differently. I categorically and absolutely deny this. I have in many places, here and elsewhere (i) bemoaned the lack of Spanish ability that precludes my getting to know some of my Hispanic neighbors better. Regularly and often very loudly, in classes I teach and in a whole host of different social/political contexts, I have spoken of the idiocy -- moral and economic, both -- of restrictions on immigration. (To my mind, there is only one valid reason for excluding an individual from living and working within the borders of these United States: if that person is carrying a serious contagious disease like tuberculosis or plague; and even they should be let in once they are no longer contagious.)
Attack #5: I look at gays differently. I categorically and absolutely deny this. Yes, I consider homosexuality a sin. I also consider lying a sin, and murder a sin, and lots of other stuff sins, too. I believe we *all* are sinners, and I believe our inherent sinfulness means none of us any hope of ever doing anything that allows us to escapes from an eternity in hell on our own. Without God's incredible graciousness, none of us deserves anything better than being worm food.
I do look at
unrepentant gays differently. I look at anyone who is unrepentant in their sin differently. Not because they are inferior to me, but because I think they are playing with the fire of God's wrath (I know He hates intentional rebellion against Him, whoever it's by and which of His desires it is rebellious against), and I would rather no one has to suffer that wrath.
From what I see, the only evidence *you* have presented for any of these attacks is that I did not actively try to get Texas Ray booted from here and that I, shudder, actually tried to reason with him when I (often) disagreed with him instead of responding to his gross generalizations about people sharing particular characteristics of religion/race/ethnicity/sexual preference with my own gross generalizations about other people who shared other characteristics of religion/race/ethnicity/sexual preference with him.
Well, I'm sorry, but this particular white child of privilege was taught and raised to believe that gross generalization across large numbers of people was both empirically inaccurate and morally wrong. I don't always succeed, but this is one part of my parents' teachings that I always try to obey. I try very hard to treat everyone as an individual, and I always will.
Indeed, the older I get, the stronger becomes my belief that use of these group labels --
any use of these group labels, by any of us -- is just a bad idea, period. You want to define yourself as black or gay or white or fundie or as Baby Boomer or millenial or conservative or liberal, go for it. But me, I'm going to try to limit myself to considering the individual, the Troy or Wade or Alan or Colin, as their individual self and not as someone who has membership in a particular group.
I've even found myself noticing really interesting people who turn out to be, after I've got to know them a bit more, blonde women of all things.
If any of the above makes me sufficiently bigoted to be unworthy of anything but ad hominem comments from Troy or any of the rest of you individuals, so be it. Call me a bigot, assign me to one of your categories. Words that make ad hominem attacks on me are still just words.
They're neither sticks nor stones.
Back when they were privileging me, my parents turn out to have understood that difference correctly, too.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)