PFF was right about the 3 TD's to Cobb. Didn't exactly require a pin point throw to a small window downfield. It was about like handing the ball to Lacy. Aaron Rodgers doesn't get credit for doing that, so...
PFF is a great source of information. But like test scores in school, they are not a perfect measure. Just 1 source. Criticizing PFF for imperfection is like whining about the Packers D in the 4th qtr.
Originally Posted by: QCHuskerFan
I love what PFF and the Outsiders are doing to give real meaning to traditional NFL stats...
"imperfection" is not the word I'd use to describe a minus grade for that performance. It's a flaw in the grading system that should be fixed, not arrogantly and nonsensically defended. That is if they want to be taken seriously by the NFL.
Darkane says "stats are dumb"😂, I get that! But I think stats are like guns: stats are not dumb, people that use them dumbly are dumb.
The entire purpose of stats is to reflect the reality of how good a player is. Some stats do, some stats dont, depending on the situation. Or in this case, if a stat is manufactured and it transmogrifies reality of how good a player is, then the stat is dumb.
That grade says 17 or so NFL coaches preferred the way their guy performed at QB over AR this week. But, the reality is all but a few would trade for AR's performance for that of their QB if they could, even if the fumble occurred, even if Maugua INT that pass. If AR's play was viewed as well above by EVERY NFL coach and talent evaluater, and PFF's grade shows it's below average; then the PFF stat is failing to account for important factors of play and/or it is giving inappropriate weight to those critical factors.
I agree to a degree what you said about Cobb; but like what PackFanWT said, those throws were pinpoint accurate and had pinpoint timing. They were relatively easy throws. But, if say Cutler, Bridgewater or Stafford makes those 3 throws, the timing or location would have been off a touch on 1 or more of the 3, then i bet Cobb doesn't score on all 3 plays.
YAC is 80-90% about the throw being in a perfect location at a perfect time based on the position of the D and 10-20% about the receiver avoiding or breaking tackles.
On short passes:
In the 1st half, Smith also threw alot of short passes, did those fail because our D is so much better than KC's? Do we have alot more receiving talent over Macklin, Kelce and Charles? IMHO, the difference is Smith's reading an execution was much much worse than AR's, even on the short passes. What was his PFF grade?????