Be offended. The only reason I implied as such because you YOURSELF implied with your statements of 'once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic' and implying it's some sort of disease that's uncureable.
"Formo" wrote:
The statement
Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic is not giving them an excuse or removing responsibility for their actions. It's a statement that provides an understanding on how difficult it can be to get/stay sober for some alcoholics. Meaning, it's not as easy as some short minded ignorant people think. Sure on the outside its 'dont pick up the bottle dumbass', but unfortunately it's not that simple.
Everyone is different, there's no cut and dry explanation to it all.
I never gave my own mother an excuse or excused her drinking problem for any of the reasons or excuses she provided. Why the fuck would I give anyone else an excuse?
I understand I don't know every situation, every outcome, all of that. Is it a disease? I don't know. I don't see how aids is a disease if alcoholism isn't. I think you agree with that thought. I can see how some can RELATE it to a disease because of the difficulties you encounter on a daily basis to stay sober.
But as I said, calling alcoholism a disease can't be used as an excuse to drink.