You're fighting a losing battle here Rockmolder. You are way too objective to discuss politics.
There is no room for objectiveness in politics. If you're a Republican, you are supposed to think that Obama is the dumbest human alive, and he he hates America. If you are a Democrat, you think Obama is the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is no middle ground.
This is why you rarely/never see me participate in political discussions. Its kind of pointless.
"zombieslayer" wrote:
Religious discussions are worse. I'd rather have a political discussion than a religious one.
Yeah, one thing that drove me nuts about Republicans is all they can say about Obama is how "unamerican" he is. Whatever that means. They resort to name calling, calling him a socialist, etc.
When Bush was in office, all I heard from the Democrats is that Bush is stupid. They made fun of the way he looked. How he's a "cowboy," and how he's got "swagger" (why the **** is swagger a bad thing?).
Lame. Both Republicans and Democrats are just lame.
No policy discussion at all. No talk about economic policies. No talk about who would be better at defending the Constitution. No talk about what we should do about foreign policy. Just personal attacks.
I would love to discuss politics with people who actually discuss the issues. It can be fascinating. Just today, Digs corrected me on the welfare to work policies under Clinton. All these years, I've been giving credit to the wrong person.
See, that stuff I like. I wish people would stick to policies and knock off the name calling.
"IronMan" wrote: