After Bush, I'm not sure how some can be against Obama.
Ignorance ... gotta love it.
"zombieslayer" wrote:
Very poor argument, Zero. Come on, you could do better than that.
It's kind of like saying that your first girlfriend was physically abusive. Your next one is emotionally abusive, but why complain because at least she doesn't beat you.
The fact that GWB was perhaps the worst President of our lifetime doesn't give Obama a free pass to also suck.
"Zero2Cool" wrote:
No one is giving anyone a free pass nor applying anything of the such.
It's the people who can't accept that one person can NOT please EVERY person in the Country that annoy me. We have over 300 million people in the US. No shit he's not going to please everyone or make decisions that everyone is going to like. It's our right to whine about it sure, but why be such a dickhead about it? Because a few things he does he's unamerican or he's a loser or he sucks? Who the fuck made this only YOUR country. Fuck you! Its OUR country and he needs to do what is best for ALL OF US. Not just you, ya fucking pissant fuck! Don't anyone get their britches in a bunch, its not aimed directly at anyone, unless you fall into that category and only YOU know if you do.
Is Obama gonna make mistakes, do things wrong, sure is, after all, he's human. I'm more interested in how he improves upon his mistakes than I am of lambasting him for them.
Loyalty and respect is earned, yes, but whatever happened to being respectful to our president? Oh, I know, it got thrown out the window when Billy got his tinkie winkie caught in his interns mouth. Sadly enough, he was one of the better presidents in the last couple decades.