dhazer has a point, it's pretty un-American not to take a ridiculous amount of vacation days. GWB was at Camp David 487 days and at his Crawford Ranch 490 days during his time as president. I don't know why Obama feels he has to work so hard. Maybe because he's a communist socialist liberal hippie Muslim.
"Nonstopdrivel" wrote:
Your words here are a little ambiguous, so I'm not sure in which direction your sarcasm is aimed: are you saying Americans take too much or too little vacation? Americans actually take the fewest vacation days of any industrialized nation in the world, fewer even than Japan (as of 2009). The average American working full time receives 12 days of paid vacation a year but only takes 6 of them. Compare that to, say, Germany, where by law everyone gets a minimum of 25 days of paid vacation yearly!
Americans also have the least sex of any surveyed nation (less even than Japanese, and that's really sad), but that's another topic.
"MassPackersFan" wrote: