1st, yeah my wording was wrong so I apologize...I see how it confused people.
I would think that people would know it was my opinion so I'll clarify why I thought that........Even tho opinions can't be proven?
I read these parts in the article you posted..
Mike told Brett
I will not hesitate to pull you if we're losing games with the same mistakes we made last year.
So since Brett didn't take that warning to heart the 1st time and was still making the same mistakes, chances are he was going to keep making them..
So then Mike had the vote, knew everyone wanted Mark to be q/b, but he tried one last time cuz he saw the awesome part of Brett when lot others didnt.
So when he said
We're joined at the hip, either we're going to the Super Bowl together, or we're going down together
Something must have went off in Brett and MADE him realize how serious or how confident Mike was in him..
What went off I dont know but something did..
Then we have this after that talk
In the 41 regular-season games since, the Packers are 30-11. Favre has thrown 101 touchdown passes and only 33 interceptions.
I agree 1000% with they both needed ecah other in order to get where they got, no doubt about that....
but again with out that talk with Brett, I dont think it would have ever got to that point
I am talking about one minute out of their lives..not the entire body of work between the two,maybe your misunderstanding?