Shields deal was interesting to me because going by yearly average we over paid him but by structure and the low guaranteed money he got he'll only be over paid in 2016. I think the team is banking on him still having room to grow and being a better player 2 years from now.
I expect Jordy's deal to be a little more evenly structured than heavily backloaded like Shields.
Originally Posted by: steveishere
That's funny you brought up the structure...I had an edit to my above post but scratched it as I was going a little crazy with all the scenarios and numbers. I really want to get a look at the first year cap hit. If his original cap charge was 3.05 or is it 3.5 (I've seen both) I would think you have to add 5 million or so to that getting you to 8-8.5 million cap charge leaving only 5 million, or so, left for Randall.
His signing bonus the 11.5 million will be no doubt spread out over the next 5 years (I believe they can spread the cap charge out over this year also not just the following 4 years) of the deal which is a little more than 2 million per. His guaranteed money is an additional 2.7 million. Will they pump that into the first year of the deal...or put it back further in it? 11.5 million SIGNING BONUS with 14.2 GUARANTEED meaning there's an extra 2.7 million in there to be given guaranteed somewhere, and I don't believe that can be spread out so I think it'll be paid this season or next. If they could move that 2.7 off until next season that would make sense in paving the way for Randall before this season is over. If they don't plan on addressing Randall this year they may as well pay Jordy the extra 2.7 million, now, and boost up his cap charge for this season.
His cap charge for this year will be a very strong indicator of their plans "right now" for Randall. If they pump that cap charge high for Jordy they aren't extending Randall very soon most likely.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."