I'll be honest, I hated the pick then, and I'm not crazy about it now. This has zero to do with Rodgers' performance. He has played very well. However, we didn't need a QB, and frankly, had there not been this burning desire to get him on the field I think Favre would still be here. Picks like that and Nelson make me wonder if we wouldn't have won a Super Bowl had we drafted a few more players to fill specific needs.
"WhiskeySam" wrote:
We did need a QB because we didn't know how long Brett was going to play. He could have retired after that season and we'd have been stuck with Craig Nall.
Also, I don't think there was a 'burning desire' to get Rodgers on the field that caused Brett to be a Jet. I'm pretty confident that it had a lot to do with Mr Favre retiring and the team having to move forward.
Per Ted and Mike and others in the staff, none of them thought Brett was going to retire and none of them wanted him to. But you can't talk a guy out of retirement because then he's playing for the wrong reasons.
"Zero2Cool" wrote: