I guess the is all moot now that the deadline has passed. But I'm really not sure why you guys are hell bent against sending a 5th round pick for the best punter in the NFL.
Our past 5th round picks:
2010: Andrew Quarless, Marshall Newhouse
2009: Quinn Johnson, Jamon Meredith
2008: Breno Giacomini
2007: David Clowney
2006: Ingle Martin, Tony Moll
2005: Junius Coston, Michael Hawkins
Some real blue chippers, eh?
Punters are not a dime a dozen: Jeremy Kapinos, Chris Bryan, Tim Masthay, Derrick Frost, BJ Sander, Jon Ryan, Bryan Barker, Chris Bryan, Durant Brooks. These guys all sucked (Ryan less than others, but still routinely out punted coverage).
In a game of inches, field position matters!!!
end of rant.
"millertime wrote: