8 years ago

Par for the course. Most people that participate in this forum can't even comprehend that history has a profound effect on the present. Most people in here believe our country presents a level playing field to all its citizens. And most of the posters in here certainly don't understand the white privilege they've enjoyed every day of their life.

I see it gives you great pleasure to be so much more enlightened and superior to the rest of us in the forum. Surely you are making a big difference in public policy with all that brainpower and articulate prose.
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool - R. Feynman
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
8 years ago

Par for the course. Most people that participate in this forum can't even comprehend that history has a profound effect on the present.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

1. You do know that I *teach* history and its importance for a living, right?

2. The past matters. Funny thing, though: much of the evil (including the evil that comes from abuse of non-level playing fields and white privilege) comes because not because people ignore the past, but because people look only to the part of the past that fits their pre-existing beliefs and prejudices.

3. And one of the biggest ways to get "the profound effect of the past" wrong is to ignore the limitations of your sources. Especially when one's sources demonstrate by their actions and words that they have not thought carefully about cause and effect.

I could care less about what Colin Kaepernick does or says. Not because I don't understand the history of unlevel playing fields. Not because I don't understand the history of oppression. Not because I'm some whack-job racist and he's some black dude.

I could care less about what Colin Kaepernick does or says because he has never done or said anything about said unlevel playing fields and oppression that rises above the quality of Twitter opining. Because he has never said anything that suggests he has actually thought carefully about *how* those unlevel playing fields and that oppression lead to the necessity of any particular choice he might make about flags or about anything else someone should make choices about.

In short, he may be an idiot or he may not. I don't really care. But until he precedes some of his Twitter-type argument by evidence that he has not just cited the past but thought carefully about how the past and present and future actually connect, I see no reason to give any credibility to anything he says.

I continue to try to engage you on political/ideological/religious issues, Troy, because once upon a time, when I first joined the Packershome community, you were willing to engage issues, consider evidence carefully, and otherwise do what I have never seen from "public figures" and Twitter personalities like Colin Kaepernick. And so while I consider many of your beliefs to be idealistic and misguided Progressivism, I continue to be willing to engage you and that misguided Progressivism from time to time.

On the other hand, the more you continue restrict yourself to the cant and Twitter-like pronouncement of those Progressivist beliefs more appropriate to the soundbites of political advertisement than to reasoned public discourse, the more I re-consider the worthiness of talking with you on these issues.

If the last couple years of your posts here are any evidence, I expect you will respond by a sneer about the novels I write or another Twitterism or two about how you could care less about what this old white Biblical Christian guy says. That you could care less if leads me one step closer to my lumping you with the not-worth-listening-to Kolin Kaepernicks of the world who are unable/unwilling to seriously think about *how* we reason from the past. That you could care less if I decide your posts are unworthy of reading and scrolling past.

But whatever it means to you, it saddens me. Because you used to be one of the main reasons I thought this place was superior to all the other Packer fan communities out there.

I'm okay with you being an asshole. To my mind, some of the "pillars of a community" ought to be assholes, because without assholes we do indeed fall into greater and greater ignorance of our past. But when an asshole pillar becomes an unthinking asshole pillar unwilling to engage carefully with that past, well, that should be an occasion for community sadness.

Because that kind of asshole just accelerates the decline until what was a thriving community becomes nothing more than a ruin of crumbled pillars like the Forum in the center of Rome where tourists wander around pointing down the Via Fori Imperialli toward the Colosseum and bemoaning the evils of ancient Rome.

And that's just sad.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
8 years ago
Worst part is his "protest" is based on a lie.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
8 years ago
I would applaud Wade 1000 times on his last post if I could.

Liberals always fall back on their racist beliefs as an excuse for the actions of thugs. I myself believe EVERYONE should be held accountable for their actions. What ever color their skin is. To use skin color as an excuse to commit violent acts, to set fire to innocent people's businesses, to loot and injure innocent people like what just happened in the Sherman Park neighborhood in Milwaukee, is just a "reason" to get away with the crimes they desire to commit. I bet only a very small amount of the people doing these crimes actually give a damn about some guy getting shot by the police. They just USE it as an excuse to act like animals.
As I have stated over and over, why do black lives only matter when it involves the police? Where is the outcry for the daily carnage of black people killing other black people across this country EVERY SINGLE DAY?
Why doesn't Troy show outrage about that?
No.....it's just easier to point out that all white people were born with silver spoons in our mouths. He doesn't have a CLUE about the truth, or what some white people have had to deal with in their lives.
That shows TRUE "racism".
He has no clue about me, my wife, or any of the posters on this site.
If you are black, "you are oppressed by the evil white man!"
If you are white, "You are an evil oppressor that has had everything handed to you without any hardships in your life!"
Clueless.......totally clueless.
And he has such a closed mind, nothing anyone would say could get through to him. No matter WHAT proof you show.
He is one of those "Don't bother me with the facts, I KNOW better!" kind of people.

8 years ago

I see it gives you great pleasure to be so much more enlightened and superior to the rest of us in the forum. Surely you are making a big difference in public policy with all that brainpower and articulate prose.

Originally Posted by: dyeah_gb 

Actually I get no pleasure from arguing with such obtuse people. It just amazes the lengths you all go to procuring your approval of the oppression of minorities. But you'll all answer to in time.

8 years ago
Any of these people who come out of the woodwork protesting when a black criminal is shot by police when resisting, screaming about minority oppression. Never have I seen one of them say a word, when the minority criminal being shot is of a minority other than black. Police shoot Latino criminals resisting also and not a word of protest.

Almost every single incident that has resulted in them protesting or rioting and looting or a DOJ investigation into a police force or Obama making a public statement about it has been the result of police doing their job and a black individual choosing to resist. Same situation with any other race whether white, Asian, Latino and not a single protest, or riot, or DOJ investigation or presidential comment.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
8 years ago

1. You do know that I *teach* history and its importance for a living, right?

2. The past matters. Funny thing, though: much of the evil (including the evil that comes from abuse of non-level playing fields and white privilege) comes because not because people ignore the past, but because people look only to the part of the past that fits their pre-existing beliefs and prejudices.

3. And one of the biggest ways to get "the profound effect of the past" wrong is to ignore the limitations of your sources. Especially when one's sources demonstrate by their actions and words that they have not thought carefully about cause and effect.

I could care less about what Colin Kaepernick does or says. Not because I don't understand the history of unlevel playing fields. Not because I don't understand the history of oppression. Not because I'm some whack-job racist and he's some black dude.

I could care less about what Colin Kaepernick does or says because he has never done or said anything about said unlevel playing fields and oppression that rises above the quality of Twitter opining. Because he has never said anything that suggests he has actually thought carefully about *how* those unlevel playing fields and that oppression lead to the necessity of any particular choice he might make about flags or about anything else someone should make choices about.

In short, he may be an idiot or he may not. I don't really care. But until he precedes some of his Twitter-type argument by evidence that he has not just cited the past but thought carefully about how the past and present and future actually connect, I see no reason to give any credibility to anything he says.

I continue to try to engage you on political/ideological/religious issues, Troy, because once upon a time, when I first joined the Packershome community, you were willing to engage issues, consider evidence carefully, and otherwise do what I have never seen from "public figures" and Twitter personalities like Colin Kaepernick. And so while I consider many of your beliefs to be idealistic and misguided Progressivism, I continue to be willing to engage you and that misguided Progressivism from time to time.

On the other hand, the more you continue restrict yourself to the cant and Twitter-like pronouncement of those Progressivist beliefs more appropriate to the soundbites of political advertisement than to reasoned public discourse, the more I re-consider the worthiness of talking with you on these issues.

If the last couple years of your posts here are any evidence, I expect you will respond by a sneer about the novels I write or another Twitterism or two about how you could care less about what this old white Biblical Christian guy says. That you could care less if leads me one step closer to my lumping you with the not-worth-listening-to Kolin Kaepernicks of the world who are unable/unwilling to seriously think about *how* we reason from the past. That you could care less if I decide your posts are unworthy of reading and scrolling past.

But whatever it means to you, it saddens me. Because you used to be one of the main reasons I thought this place was superior to all the other Packer fan communities out there.

I'm okay with you being an asshole. To my mind, some of the "pillars of a community" ought to be assholes, because without assholes we do indeed fall into greater and greater ignorance of our past. But when an asshole pillar becomes an unthinking asshole pillar unwilling to engage carefully with that past, well, that should be an occasion for community sadness.

Because that kind of asshole just accelerates the decline until what was a thriving community becomes nothing more than a ruin of crumbled pillars like the Forum in the center of Rome where tourists wander around pointing down the Via Fori Imperialli toward the Colosseum and bemoaning the evils of ancient Rome.

And that's just sad.

Originally Posted by: Wade 

That's a lot of words to call me an asshole. Funny how you mensa club boys sat there for three years and let Ray Texas dipshit ruin this forum without a word telling him what a despicable human being he was. That was me out on an island.

You're a teacher? Some teacher, you don't even know you're suppose stand up for gay people and protect their rights as equal human beings. You just sit idly by while their beat down continues in this country, because deep down, you agree with how they've been treated. I don't think I need any lectures from any of you mensa club fellas, anymore on anything. I'm an asshole, yeah, so be it. That's because was beaten into being this asshole. Nobody has ever given a damn about my feelings.

How about we just talk about the Packers from here on out, because to tell you the truth, I find you all pretty clueless and spineless in the realms of right and wrong, and all the ugliness that's going on in country?

8 years ago

Nobody has ever given a damn about my feelings.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

That's not true. I do. That's why I spend so much time interacting with you instead of just banning you.

As for Ray, that was mostly my fault. I mistakenly believe that people will get the clue and am too patient. That's one reason I've excluded myself from the whole entire process and put together a team of moderators.

8 years ago

That's not true. I do. That's why I spend so much time interacting with you instead of just banning you.

As for Ray, that was mostly my fault. I mistakenly believe that people will get the clue and am too patient. That's one reason I've excluded myself from the whole entire process and put together a team of moderators.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

Well I don't give a fuck what any of these believers of draconian social issues think, feel, or say anymore. I wash my hands of all them. Bunch of false prophets, all of them. I'm sticking to the football forums from here on out.

And if you want to ban me, that's perfectly fine with me too.
  • wpr
  • Preferred Member
8 years ago

That's a lot of words to call me an asshole. Funny how you mensa club boys sat there for three years and let Ray Texas dipshit ruin this forum without a word telling him what a despicable human being he was. That was me out on an island.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Not true. I along with others told Ray he was wrong and or disgusting. It wasn't to your satisfaction so you ignored it.

You're a teacher? Some teacher, you don't even know you're suppose stand up for gay people and protect their rights as equal human beings. You just sit idly by while their beat down continues in this country, because deep down, you agree with how they've been treated. I don't think I need any lectures from any of you mensa club fellas, anymore on anything. I'm an asshole, yeah, so be it. That's because was beaten into being this asshole. Nobody has ever given a damn about my feelings.

wrong yet again. As Kevin pointed out he, I and others have spoken to the issue of your feelings. Yet again it didn't fit so you ignored it.

How about we just talk about the Packers from here on out,

Fine with me but in reality you have said this about 20 times and yet you keep coming back to non football topics.

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    Martha Careful (24m) : RIP Junior Bridgeman. An excellent businessman and NBA er
    Zero2Cool (2h) : It's better to have $17m to use on players who will be on the field. That's why trade/release is talked
    Zero2Cool (2h) : post june is $7m cap hit with $17m saving
    Zero2Cool (2h) : oops meant $10m cap hit
    Zero2Cool (2h) : And pre june is $10m savings
    Zero2Cool (2h) : Can't make him play.
    dhazer (2h) : I am curious why the big need to release Jaire, we have 29 million cap space we arent spending and would only gain $6 million/ make him play
    Zero2Cool (3h) : Joey Bosa signed with Bills?
    dfosterf (3h) : What they are offering is a left over case of Leinies from the Chippewa Falls plant
    Zero2Cool (4h) : 27, 59, 91, 129 gets you Jaire and our 3rd
    Zero2Cool (4h) : they give us those five, or even first four, they can have Jaire.
    Zero2Cool (4h) : 27, 59, 91, 129 and 136 are only ones worth having of theirs.
    dfosterf (4h) : What they don't have is cap space, at least presently at 5.6 mil
    dfosterf (4h) : Poor bastards only have 11
    Zero2Cool (4h) : Ravens ain't got crap for picks.
    Zero2Cool (4h) : Aaron Rodgers is choosing between Steelers and Giants. The Vikings are officially out on him, per RapSheet
    dfosterf (4h) : Current cap space 29.6 million.
    dfosterf (4h) : Hobbs 2025 cap hit just under 6 million. Banks 2025 cap hit just over 9 million
    Mucky Tundra (11h) : beast, this is news to me! Tell me more about these, "draft picks." They seem mighty mysterious! 😉
    beast (13h) : Yes, the Ravens have draft picks
    dfosterf (14h) : Good luck to him.
    Zero2Cool (15h) : Eric Stokes signs with Raiders
    Martha Careful (16h) : Tyler Linderbaum C
    Mucky Tundra (16h) : Cap space?
    Zero2Cool (16h) : Do Ravens have anything we'd even entertain to have?
    Mucky Tundra (18h) : I've seen trade ideas of Jaire going to the Ravens all offseason
    beast (19h) : A probably false rumor is suggesting CB Jaire Alexander is being traded to the Ravens, again probably false
    beast (20h) : Commanders might have a dominant offense the next 3 years at least
    Zero2Cool (21h) : San Francisco 49ers announced they have released DL Leonard Floyd.
    Mucky Tundra (23h) : Er getting traded twice like that
    Mucky Tundra (23h) : Huh, LT Laremy Tunsil traded from Houston to Washington. Never heard of a top OT getting traded in his career like that
    Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Minnesota Vikings cornerback Byron Murphy Jr. is returning on a three-year, $66 million deal
    Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : Damn
    Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Saints are re-signing DE Chase Young to a three-year, $51 million deal worth up to $57 million.
    Martha Careful (11-Mar) : 49ers releasing FB Juszcyk any interest?
    Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : digits of four
    Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : four digits
    Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : Eh, don't think so. better to split
    Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : on new site, would Fan Shout and GameDay Chat show same messages?
    Mucky Tundra (10-Mar) : The Hall of Fame stuff probably came from a scout as Zero said; at this point though it's hard to see them moving ZT from RT
    Mucky Tundra (10-Mar) : Regarding ZT at C, Gute had said he felt C was ZTs best position after he was drafted.
    Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : LB Oren Burks to sign a 2-year, $5M deal with the Bengals.
    Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : Based on how it was worded at the time, probably scout.
    beast (10-Mar) : I don't think the media person ever told the public the source, but Gute or LaFleur did say they thought Tom has earned his spot at OT
    beast (10-Mar) : I think it was supposedly unnamed Packers source
    buckeyepackfan (10-Mar) : Was that Gute or Lefleur or someone else?
    buckeyepackfan (10-Mar) : Zach Tom could be a really good guard, an all pro tackle, but probably be a HOF Center. Who said that?
    Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : It's March 10th. I don't think anything is done.
    Martha Careful (10-Mar) : if we think CB is done, we have a poor roster
    Mucky Tundra (10-Mar) : CB and OG in FA, narrows down the top of the draft board a little
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