I think close to the entire state of Wisconsin has been completely indoctrinated by the unions and the democratic party since before I was a child in the 50's. I think it has subordinated the entire state's children to a sad state of "HITLER-LIKE" acceptism of the dynamic those teachers and admins chose for the young fools to absorb. There is your Hitler reference.
You Wisconsinites have been totally indoctrinated for at least a half a century, and you don't even friggin' know it.
Friggin' liberal simultaneously arrogant for absolutely no rational reason by any objective criteria provincial bitches. Your law school sucks also, btw. lol, while I'm at it.
It's a fly-over state. You got dairy cows, butter, cheese, the Pack and eccentric people. You got nothin', politically, except a strong rep for being quite whack in the arena. Minnesota makes fun of you because they think they are less fucked up than you are. They are wrong, both are fucked up fly-over states.
Originally Posted by: dfosterf