13 years ago
"Abolishing unions". I keep hearing that. It ONLY affects the public sector. The unions still can get plenty of money from the private sector.

Same with the "He's attacking the middle class!" Such biased speach should be seen for what it is.

I DO have an easy solution for all those public workers who feel they are getting SOOOO badly shafted.
There's no law that says you have to keep your public job. If it's such a bad deal, you CAN quit you know, and go and look for a job in the private sector.
Of course, even with the cuts, the public workers know just how sweet a deal they still have, and won't quit because of the cuts.
Lets see just how many years you would have to work to get the wage, benefits and pension that you are/will get.
That's right.....chances sre you could work 40 years and not get what you are still going to get in the jobs you currently have.
When times are tough, you have to make cuts, or just keep spiraling deeper into debt. Is that what these people really want?
The ones that are protesting the cuts are the same people that cry about "global warming" and how if we don't do something now, future generations will suffer. What about the debt piling up for the future generations of Wisconsinites??? Yeah.....when it actually has to come out of THEIR pockets, their attitude changes.
And again, fact is, it's not like Walker is asking these people to work for peanuts.
Finally we have someone in office with the balls to actually try to do something about the debt Wisconsin is piling up, and the usual suspects want to kill the guy.
And people wonder why no one wants to actually go against the "same old same old" in politics. Just try it, and you will be called "Adolph Hitler".
13 years ago
Sorry Cheesey but you're wrong, the unions agreed to the cuts long ago, Walker is trying to eliminate their ability to collectively bargain, it has absolutely zero to do with balancing the budget.
It's just that simple. It's the haves trying to take more from the have-nots.

Scott Walker is a lap dog doing the dirty work for his corporate masters plain and simple, try researching the truth behind the rhetoric you've been inundated with from Fox News. If you tell a lie long enough people will begin to believe it's the truth. Propaganda pure & simple. It's an art form that Karl Rove mastered long ago.

I remember driving back to Green Bay during the 2006 election and seeing all of the "Sportsman for Bush" signs stuck in the lawns of the rubes. 5 minutes spent on the internet could have educated the good folks of Wisconsin on Bushes environmental record while he was Governor of Texas. It was abysmal! These people care nothing about the environment or you.

Look into the process of removing Natural Gas and oil called Fracking (watch Gasland, an incredibly sad and scary documentary about the subject), a Major part of the Bush era energy policy. It's truly frightening and disgusting what it causes. All for the almighty dollar, much like the union busting that is currently going on in Wisconsin & other northern states.

Take a little time, educate yourself about what people like Walker and his ilk really consider to be important and you might come away holding them accountable for the state our once great country is in. (Turkey is ahead of the USA in infant mortality, that makes me want to puke as it should you and that's only one tiny example).

But it's so much easier to toe the party line than look in to what's really going on out there. I'm a little tired of the "Keep 'em dumb & entertained while we steal everything we can" political process we currently live under. As soon as the majority figures it out things might just change. I just hope it doesn't take bread lines again to wake us all up.

And, no offense, CLIMATE CHANGE, not "global warming" is a subject you know less than nothing about so stop using it in arguments.

Scott Walker has NO balls, otherwise he'd govern, not follow instructions.
13 years ago
Cheesey, becuase I love you like a brother, for the last time: Lay off the Fox news. That shit warps your brain, man. I need to get my own brother deprogrammed one of these days too.
13 years ago

musccy asked for a quote from during his campaign, your quote is from December, when he was already governor elect. Had he even hinted at union busting during his campaign he would have been crushed.

People have to start wising up to the fact that this in all reality has nothing to do with Scott Walker, he's the gun, somebody else pulled the trigger.

"dingus" wrote:

His quote

I'd love to see this, or see how he's making any personal consessions right now. Please provide some evidence

The statement from Alan was from the past on how Walker gave money back

Mussy asked for evidence by saying

I love to see this

.. and I provided it

As far as abolishing unions

I could care less when he said it or if he said it, saw a question about it, reseasrched and found AN ANSWER from December and posted it..

but looking more into it, according to this site 

It should be noted that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker never even mentioned abolishing public sector unions in his campaigns speeches .

I am not on either side of this part, just trying to find articles to help
13 years ago

The bill he signed would still allow state, municipal and school workers to bargain over their wages, but any raises beyond the rate of inflation would require a voter referendum. The repeal of most collective bargaining would not apply to unions representing local police, firefighters and State Patrol troopers 

If I am paying for the teachers salaries, shouldnt there be a system in place to say if they get a raise or not?

Or should I just take for granted a union rep will make the right call
13 years ago

The bill he signed would still allow state, municipal and school workers to bargain over their wages, but any raises beyond the rate of inflation would require a voter referendum. The repeal of most collective bargaining would not apply to unions representing local police, firefighters and State Patrol troopers

"longtimefan" wrote: 

If I am paying for the teachers salaries, shouldnt there be a system in place to say if they get a raise or not?

Or should I just take for granted a union rep will make the right call

No offense longtime, I appreciate the link about Walker not campaigning on union busting, I was just trying to point out that your original link was post election, that's all.

As far as having a say in public employees compensation goes, I saw an interesting reply on a political blog that went something like this:

2011 - people making $30,000 a year complaining about people who make $40,000 a year

2012 - people making $20,000 a year complaining about people who make $30,000 a year

2013 - people making $10,000 a year complaining about people who make $20,000 a year

you get the gist. It's a bit of an over-simplification of the issue but my point is, in an earlier post I mentioned that 400 Individuals control more wealth than 55% of families in this country, Exxon and other major corporations pay NO income tax and receive massive subsidies from the government, the average CEO makes close to 300 times what the average employee makes yet they've somehow convinced the general public that teachers pensions and right to collectively bargain is bankrupting our states.


And they are laughing all the way to the bank.
13 years ago

Take it or leave it, here's Michael Moore's speech .

I don't agree with everything he has to say but I really liked this part:

To help prevent that day when the people demand their country back, the wealthy have done two very smart things:

1. They control the message. By owning most of the media they have expertly convinced many Americans of few means to buy their version of the American Dream and to vote for their politicians. Their version of the Dream says that you, too, might be rich some day this is America, where anything can happen if you just apply yourself! They have conveniently provided you with believable examples to show you how a poor boy can become a rich man, how the child of a single mother in Hawaii can become president, how a guy with a high school education can become a successful filmmaker. They will play these stories for you over and over again all day long so that the last thing you will want to do is upset the apple cart -- because you -- yes, you, too! -- might be rich/president/an Oscar-winner some day! The message is clear: keep your head down, your nose to the grindstone, don't rock the boat and be sure to vote for the party that protects the rich man that you might be some day.

"djcubez" wrote:

My dad told me something similar. He believes that this is basically the driving force behind the Republican party; "some day I might be rich, so when I am I want to be able to keep that money!" And instead of becoming the rich, they just enable the wealthy to become wealthier.

Don't believe a damn thing that comes out of that fat fuck's mouth. He's a parasite.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!
13 years ago

Take it or leave it, here's Michael Moore's speech .

I don't agree with everything he has to say but I really liked this part:

To help prevent that day when the people demand their country back, the wealthy have done two very smart things:

1. They control the message. By owning most of the media they have expertly convinced many Americans of few means to buy their version of the American Dream and to vote for their politicians. Their version of the Dream says that you, too, might be rich some day this is America, where anything can happen if you just apply yourself! They have conveniently provided you with believable examples to show you how a poor boy can become a rich man, how the child of a single mother in Hawaii can become president, how a guy with a high school education can become a successful filmmaker. They will play these stories for you over and over again all day long so that the last thing you will want to do is upset the apple cart -- because you -- yes, you, too! -- might be rich/president/an Oscar-winner some day! The message is clear: keep your head down, your nose to the grindstone, don't rock the boat and be sure to vote for the party that protects the rich man that you might be some day.

"Formo" wrote:

My dad told me something similar. He believes that this is basically the driving force behind the Republican party; "some day I might be rich, so when I am I want to be able to keep that money!" And instead of becoming the rich, they just enable the wealthy to become wealthier.

"djcubez" wrote:

Don't believe a damn thing that comes out of that fat fuck's mouth. He's a parasite.

Read my post on him previous page at end of my post
13 years ago

It's not just about current employees, it's the inconsistencies and what could still be to come. As longtime pointed out for me, he said in his campaign he wants to balance the budget - so where did this union busting thing come from? If unions are in fact the end all of budget balancing, then why are the firefighters/cops' unions still in tact? Because they supported him in 2010? Nah, this is all a non-negotiable budget saving maneuver, right!

We're in a BUDGET CRISIS - OK, so then everyone should chip in, right? Nope, we'll just give tax breaks to out-of-state businesses paid for by cuts to in-state public education and municipalities. Well then tax revenue from the unprecedented migration of business he promises sure as shit better account for the reduced revenue due to these business tax breaks and restriction on property tax increases. I'm also waiting for the NET (meaning accounting for the jobs lost with the 3.6 bil in cuts) increase in 250k jobs in WI - and these better be bon-a-fide full time positions instead of minimum wage seasonal employment bullshit positions that he can use to pad meaningless campaign statistics.

WI has always been a model for it's protection of natural resources. So lets cut funding to recycling, lift the mandate on recycling for communities, soften phosphorous standards and wetland regulations (because those are pesky inconveniences for our new buddies - incoming business), and now there is ambiguous talk about him wanting to sell public lands. What does that entail? Maybe selling off a little 5 acre park in Mukwonago, or maybe we'll plow down the Northern Highlands State Forest, or how about we privatize all of the Chippewa Flowage! Yeah, yeah, it was nice having 15,000 acres of wilderness land for recreation in Sawyer County - but wouldn't a whole shit ton of businesses and condos make it such a nicer place to vacation to?!?

If budget balancing = hand select unions to bust and limit revenue through property tax caps and business tax breaks at the expense of in-state services, affordable public education for middle/lower class, then who knows what the hell is next for Scott FitzWalkerChristieRoveGingrich
13 years ago

The bill he signed would still allow state, municipal and school workers to bargain over their wages, but any raises beyond the rate of inflation would require a voter referendum. The repeal of most collective bargaining would not apply to unions representing local police, firefighters and State Patrol troopers

"dingus" wrote: 

If I am paying for the teachers salaries, shouldnt there be a system in place to say if they get a raise or not?

Or should I just take for granted a union rep will make the right call

"longtimefan" wrote:

No offense longtime, I appreciate the link about Walker not campaigning on union busting, I was just trying to point out that your original link was post election, that's all.

As far as having a say in public employees compensation goes, I saw an interesting reply on a political blog that went something like this:

2011 - people making $30,000 a year complaining about people who make $40,000 a year

2012 - people making $20,000 a year complaining about people who make $30,000 a year

2013 - people making $10,000 a year complaining about people who make $20,000 a year

you get the gist. It's a bit of an over-simplification of the issue but my point is, in an earlier post I mentioned that 400 Individuals control more wealth than 55% of families in this country, Exxon and other major corporations pay NO income tax and receive massive subsidies from the government, the average CEO makes close to 300 times what the average employee makes yet they've somehow convinced the general public that teachers pensions and right to collectively bargain is bankrupting our states.

And they are laughing all the way to the bank.

I don't have a lot of credibility as is, and posting something from comedy central to support an argument probably squelches what little I have left, but this 5 min video does sort of spin off of your point - or at least shows some hypocrisy in perspectives of contracts, 50k/year vs. 250k/ year salaries, and capping pay and benefits.

Daily Show 
Fan Shout
packerfanoutwest (3m) : damn,he hasn't played since week 2
Mucky Tundra (3h) : poor guy can't catch a break
wpr (4h) : wow. That three different things for the kid.
Zero2Cool (7h) : MarShawn Lloyd has appendicitis according to Matt LaFleur.
Zero2Cool (14-Nov) : He probably plays DB.
Zero2Cool (14-Nov) : I don't even know who that Don is
packerfanoutwest (14-Nov) : What position does Lemon play ?
dfosterf (14-Nov) : I read this am that Don Lemon quit x, so there's that
Zero2Cool (13-Nov) : Seems some are flocking to BlueSky and leaving Tweeter. I wonder if BlueSky allows embeded lists
beast (12-Nov) : He's a review guy
Zero2Cool (12-Nov) : Jordy Nelson is still in the NFL.
Zero2Cool (11-Nov) : Ok, will do.
wpr (11-Nov) : Kevin, donate it to a local food pantry or whatever she wants to do with it. Thanks
wpr (11-Nov) : Kevin,
Zero2Cool (11-Nov) : Wayne, got your girl scout order.
dfosterf (11-Nov) : I believe Zero was being sarcastic
dfosterf (11-Nov) : Due to that rookie kicker Jake Bates that Zero said "he didn't want anyway". 58 yarder to tie the game, 52 yarder to win it. In fairness,
Mucky Tundra (11-Nov) : Lions escape with a win
Mucky Tundra (11-Nov) : and now Goff looking better
Mucky Tundra (11-Nov) : Goff with ANOTHER INT
Mucky Tundra (11-Nov) : and now Stroud throwing INTs
Mucky Tundra (11-Nov) : Goff having an ATROCIOUS game
wpr (11-Nov) : Happy birthday Corps. Ever faithful. Thanks dfosterf.
Mucky Tundra (10-Nov) : stiff armed by Baker Mayfield for about 5-7 yards and still managed to get a pass off
Mucky Tundra (10-Nov) : Nick Bosa
wpr (8-Nov) : Jets are Packers (L)East
Zero2Cool (8-Nov) : Jets released K Riley Patterson and signed K Anders Carlson to the practice squad.
wpr (8-Nov) : Thanks guys
Mucky Tundra (7-Nov) : Happy Birthday wpr!
Zero2Cool (7-Nov) : Anders Carlson ... released by 49ers
dfosterf (7-Nov) : Happy Birthday!😊😊😊
wpr (7-Nov) : Thanks Kevin.
Zero2Cool (7-Nov) : Happy Birthday, Wayne! 🎉🎂🥳
beast (7-Nov) : Edge Rushers is the same... it's not the 4-3 vs 3-4 change, it's the Hafley's version of the 4-3... as all 32 teams are actually 4-2
Zero2Cool (6-Nov) : OLB to DE and player requests trade. Yet folks say they are same.
beast (5-Nov) : In other news, the Green Bay Packers have signed Zero2Cool to update their website 😋 jk
beast (5-Nov) : Might just re-sign the kicker we got
beast (5-Nov) : Are there any kickers worth drafting next year?
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : Preston Smith for Malik Willis
Mucky Tundra (5-Nov) : Getting a 7th rounder from the Stillers
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : At least we get 7th round pick now!! HELLO NEW KICKER
Mucky Tundra (5-Nov) : Steelers getting a premier lockdown corner!
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : Packers are trading edge rusher Preston Smith to the Pittsburgh Steelers, per sources.
Mucky Tundra (5-Nov) : Preston Smith traded to the Steelers!!!!
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : CB Marshon Lattimore to Commanders
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : Bears are sending RB Khalil Herbert to the Bengals, per sources.
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : ZaDarius Smith continues his "north" tour.
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : Let the Chiefs trade a 5th for him
Zero2Cool (5-Nov) : Nearing 30, large contract, nope.
Martha Careful (5-Nov) : any interest in Marshon Lattimore?
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