Didn't Walker give back some of his pay when he worked for Milwaukee County?
Yet he's being attacked as a bad guy. He gave back his own money. And he sure didn't have to.
And "Michael Moore". How many millions has he made with his B.S. movies? He's one of the rich guys, isn't he? So who is he to bitch and moan?
And listing the top 20 richest people in America......how does that somehow disallow what i said about rich Hollywood types?
I also keep hearing how the cuts are attacking all of the "middle class". How exactly? It affects public workers, for sure. But it's not like it makes them work for minimum wage with no benefits, does it?
And calling him a "dictator". He said what he was gonna do before he got elected, and now is (unlike most politicians) DOING what he said he was gonna do. The majority of Wisconsinites stand with him. But the minority shows up at the capital, (along with Jesse "i never met a microphone i didn't like") Jackson, they make a big fuss, and they get all the liberal media eatting out of their hands.
In the past, when the democrats had control, they pushed through what THEY wanted. Yet the republicans never ran away and hid. They STILL did their jobs.....unlike the 14 dem senators that hid out in Illinois.
Look at ex-governor Doyle. Over and over, the people of Wisconsin let him know they wanted a concealed gun carry law passed. Yet he (as a TRUE dictator) wouldn't do what the majority of Wisconsinites wanted.
Always ignoring the FACT that the BAD GUYS, you know, the ones you don't want carrying guns, ARE ALREADY CARRYING. It would allow lab-abiding citizens to carry.
But hey, Doyle always did what HE wanted, not what thye people wanted.
The state budget needs to be balanced. Walker is the FIRST one actually trying to do so.
It's about time.
"Cheesey" wrote: