One of the questions I hate answering is "describe your beliefs", because truth be told, I do not know how to label/quantify them.
I feel like venting here, so get me cranberry juice because I am on my period.
I do not know if there is a god. I will never be learned enough to know if there is, but just because I haven't experienced the knowledge of another entity doesn't mean I think one cannot exist. Same with my thoughts on space, aliens, ghosts, genies. Anything "paranormal". I wonder how people believe in god, but not aliens/ghosts etc. Not saying either or is existing/non-existant, but if possibility allows for one to exist, why not all? What makes one belief system less tangible than the other? Especially for that which has thus far not been proven.
I do find moral standpoints that stem from ideological code as aiding human advancement though, (un)common sense such as "Thou shalt not steal/kill", love thy neighbour - a good code of conduct.
I think alot about speciesism, and how law and rights are in direct conflict with human actions towards other species. I am not a vegetarian, nor do I ever think about "animal rights". I do think, that unnecessary human involvement in the life cycle shows some of us (including myself at times) to be self-serving, egotistical, elitist dicks.
Why is it that when a dog attacks a child, it is "put down", regardless of the injury to the child. Why is it that when a serial killer attacks and murders a child a death penalty is only administered where legal? Didn't law just give the dog the death penalty in a place where humans only get a life sentence?
Why do people care about the welfare and cramped living conditions of battery chickens when the end result is consumption? Since when should welfare become an issue for what we end up killing for food anyway? Do we feel an abstract sense of nobility towards our food or is it another way to make us feel better?
Fuck PETA. Why do we interfere?
I think alot about how to allocate the tag of intelligence, and how, when I generalise, I come to the conclusion that the human race is delusional.
How is intelligence measured? What baromiter?
Because to me, alot of other (NOT ALL) fauna have it correct. Creatures that live out of neccesity. Once again I do not care about "animal welfare", I care about unnecessary human involvement. I don't feel anything about environmental issues but find truth in the abstract to the quote below :-
When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
- Cree Nation.
I really want to see what is beyond the human form.
I refuse to believe that "non-believers" are destined for hell fire. I cannot pray to a god that hates queers. I cannot pray to a god that wouldn't realise how difficult the mass of complexes in ideological belief are to navigate.
Fuck war about religion. Prove god exists first, work together to find it, and, do not be afraid to praise aspects of other ideologies.
Zero2Cool is my captain.