personally I would boo becuase I interpret his actions to be at least partially motivated by a personal vendetta against the packers. I consider it very disrespectful of the team that treated him so well, thus, I don't think he deserves any respect from me while he's wearing a viking's uniform.
I also think the Ted Thompson mask idea is pretty funny.
"RedSoxExcel" wrote:
First off the NFL is just a tv show I dont get why people would get so worked up over favre playing for the vikings. We did fire him after all. If you guys were fired from your job at microsoft, would you have a clean conscience about working for apple if they offered you a job? I would.
If it is for revenge sake I think it will blow up in his face. The williams wall faces a 4 game suspension and that could mean the difference of a 12-4 team going 8-8. I think those two are way more important than the singing of favre this year. Its AP's offense afterall.
Dont get me worng I love football and I am here discussing it with you guys, but quite frankley I think its kind of fun, its going to make for some entertaining entertainment.
"gijoe82" wrote:
My thoughts exactly. Its entertainment, the NFL is better with Favre than without. I don't know anyone in this world that would rather watch Cutler v. Sage as opposed to Cutler v. Favre.
At the end of the day, you have a guy thats coming back that drowned and killed dogs and people are more up in arms about some guy that for the most part just wants to play some football. Even if you believe he's ONLY coming back for revenge and thats it. Who cares, hopefully the Packers beat them twice and the Vikings go 0-16 and his "revenge" fails. Because if you think he's washed up and useless, then that is what will happen, he will fail and you will be happy.
To put things in perspective, Donte Stallworth drove drunk and killed a person and he will be in the league next year. Plaxico Burress endangered the lives of hundreds of people and will be in the league in a couple years. Pacman Jones... um, where to begin. Michael Vick watched as his friends hung dogs from trees.
When you put things in perspective, its not that bad, especially when you consider what he did for this franchise and the NFL.
"musccy" wrote: