I can not even begin to define my specific joy in how "The 4 Year Plan" has unfolded in the path to the Super Bowl.
Ted Thompson is killing me. I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, bound myself out of bed and race to the computer to see what "The Einstein Of The NFL." might have done while I was sleeping.
This Draft has confirmed and solidified my 4 Year Faith and Belief that Ted Has A Plan.
"Bite Off More Than You Can Chew... Then have the guts to chew it. Plan More Than You Can Plan... Then do it."
That is a quote that has Ted Thompson all over it.
He bit off more than many thought he could chew when he drafted Aaron. He bit off a great deal more than he could chew when he sent Brett packing..... Oh and he chewed it.
He has been chewing it. He also has been planning. Planning more than he can plan, and then "Doing It."
Now.... He goes with what may be the best part of the 4 Year Plan... He switches gears, does not trade down, but trades up, overhauls the "D" and has built the next Super Bowl Champions.
This team is going to jell. They are going to have a great room under the stands of Lambeau, and will have a hell of a time in Miami.
This is the year. I have been preaching it for years.
Oh, and it will catch the NFL World by surprise.... But it will not surprise "The Einstein Of The NFL"
The man is ahead of his time.
Get ready for a BIG SURPRISE Packer Fans...
Get ready for the 4th year of a 4 year plan.
""People Will Probably Never Remember What You Said, And May Never Remember What You Did. However, People Will Always Remember How You Made Them Feel."