Deserve? You, I, and everyone else doesn't deserve a good, bad or indifferent football team. You want to talk crazy talk? What have you done to deserve something you watch on TV a few Sunday's a year? My view of this team has no bearing on what I deserve as I deserve nothing just like you. Talk about some sense of entitlement. Geesh.
Andy Reid ain't missed. He was known as the worst clock manager in the game. Fans of Philly are glad he's gone and wouldn't take him back. On that same token, I'll gladly take someone under MM to get rid of MM and even moreso for TT's understudy.
As for Hundley, our backup QB record ain't exactly good when Rodgers isn't there so it isn't exactly a knee jerk reaction. If there's some contrary evidence you'd like to point out, I'd love to take a look. This is MM's guy... 3 TC's with him. Didn't want anyone else but him, well, at least publicly, to be his QB after 12's injury. You do realize that if Hundley totally flops that it's on MM, right? This is 100% an indictment on our organization if Hundley fails to get us in position where a potential Rodgers return could even matter. It's odd how it seems many want distance from that fact. Let's get it clear right now. Who is at fault if the Packers fall out of the playoff race? It wouldn't surprise to hear some crackpot answer as accountability is something this org never is subjected to.
Ted traded up...had a much higher grade on Hundley. MM said he's his guy. Brett said Aaron is his brother and prepared him. If this goes wrong, let's take a clear eyed look at it. Passing for 87 yards vs. a BRUTAL Saints defense especially a bad team on the road outside on grass. Detroit next. Lions have won once in over two decades. If we lose this one, it is time to go into full blown panic mode. Time to call it what it is not make some nice excuses as always seems to be the go to among much of our fanbase.
MM isn't a great HC...Ted is not a great GM and that's been how it's been since they've been here. Just because Aaron fell down the draft board and became probably the GOAT doesn't preclude looking at this with clear eyes. Not a great GM, not a great HC, but one heckuva QB. That's truth. Oh, and if MM built him, and he can't build Hundley I think I'll go with Rodgers being able to do this without MM just fine.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."