Sorry, uffda, but I'm not going to allow you to paint my position into what you would like it to be. What I clearly stated (and I'll quote again):
unless we have a good expectation that the what we put in it's place is going to be better
That's obviously not KNOWING. But that's also not saying dump McCarthy without KNOWING I've got a shot at somebody better.
That, in my opinion, is the height of folly--to say dump McCarthy when we've reached the NFC championship game 2 out of the 3 past years, without at least having someone in mind that you suspect is better and at least some idea that they are available and / or interested.
When I asked you in the other thread who you wanted to replace McCarthy with YOU HAD NO NAMES WHATSOEVER. That, to me, is what makes no sense.
Originally Posted by: macbob
"Unless we have a good expectation that the what we put in it's place is going to be better"... That is the statement.?
What team, person, entity, etc. would ever make a change without having a good expectation it was going to be better? That's illogical, again. Seriously, think about your statement. So, the Packers are going to fire MM and you're worried that they might not be expecting the next person to do better? Why fire MM, then? That would be wholly illogical. You're hedging leaning into the I want to KNOW category, again, and you admitted you can't know. You can know it's time for a change, though, and I think not firing Dom and his loyalty issue to his buddies despite performance means he has to go. We're not in the NFC Championship because of Mike McCarthy. That is folly to believe that. We're in the championship game(s) because of Aaron Rodgers. When he's on fire we're close to unstoppable...when he's not, well, there's Atlanta for you.
Names? I've always promoted Jim Harbaugh. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that guy. Jon Gruden. I've spoken of both of those guys on several occasions. I want a truly tough, not fake tough, HC. One whose actions and words are tough just not his occasional words.
The height of folly? Really? Did you look at where MM was when we went and plucked him? I just edited his WikiPedia page because it was inaccurate. Said his O was last in points and yards. I corrected it to ready it was 30th in points and dead last in yards. I like the truth. I like it to be fair and accurate.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."