When have I ever said a puff piece was false? It's not journalism. It's not about true or false. Do you know what a puff piece is? Google the term...it has a real definition. I wouldn't concern myself with the truth of a puff piece because it has a definable aim. It's sugar. A nice warm sugary over the top feel good writing. It aims to over promote. What do you think that leaves readers of such pieces with who consume a steady diet of puff pieces? I'll let you come to your own conclusion about the kind of mind a person has who ingests them over and over and rejects something not quite as sweet.
Bob is a sourced award winning journalist. He is legendary. You are happier with puff and fluff and org flattering pieces. Again, I don't care about them yet you say that I reject them as false? Again, learn the definition and you'll see that truth has little to do with puff pieces and I don't care if they're true or not. Not things I spend my time on. Back to Bob...he's a journalist who has a job of reporting the truth. I think, THE POST, might help you. You should go see that movie. I wouldn't say that he doesn't allow his personal feelings into his pieces however that doesn't negate the story he's telling. Not liking the teller or his manner has nothing to do with it's validity. I could cite myself. You hate me as the messenger but I've told many things here that were dismissed due to a desire for puff and fluff and simply hating the package I deliver things in.
You should really try explaining to me what your real issue is with McGinn. It has nothing to do with truth, so what is it? Is it the same kind of things as with me? You think he hates the Packers and is a jerk? Someone who is a jerk can tell the truth. His hate does color him. My disgust colors me. I'm not going to lie or say it doesn't but what is interesting is many here would fight to the death that their love of team doesn't cloud them or skew them in any way. What a fallacy. I really wish everyone here would read the post I put up about irrational fans. It's 100% straight truth. I've seen it here over and over and over. It would be nice if everyone read it and acknowledged these things. The board would be better for it if everyone saw their weaknesses and worked on them. I'm no exception. I should never respond aggressively but I do tire of baseless allegation especially those of a GOT YA nature that are so inane it's almost hard to respond to them.
Barfarn. I've changed my mind about you. I used to think you were a good guy with a flair. I still see the flair but you're not a decent guy. Your hatred of me comes from a place I wish we could discuss rationally but you've gone more and more off the rails the more that I engage with you. You wrongly believe the process you use to arrive at a conclusion is flawless and leads you to correct conclusions. Your child like insistence everything McGinn writes is a lie is classic Barfarn. It's part of who you are here. Wilde came out and lent credence to Bob's piece on Mike McCarthy that I'm sure was all lies before that info came to light for you. I think you believe you're smarter than I am. I'm sure in some areas you are. You don't know people very well. You don't understand how the world works. You have this mechanical detached view of the world as if you don't have any experience actually living in it. I'm reminded of Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting talking to Matt Damon about how he could quote this or that but had no clue what it smelled like in the Sistine Chapel. The things you constantly type here. Do you have any real life experience that behind any of the things you type? You basically looked at the picture on my wall and proceeded to tear my life apart. You no better judge me rightly than you have the Packers defense year after year and you actually bragged about studying all the plays and still get it wrong year after year but I'm to take what you say about me as if it's SCHOLARLY? No sale, brother. I realize your flair and I like smart talk so I engage with you. I see you not as my superior rather different as to perspective which is refreshing and worthy. Too bad now all you have is your misguided hatred of me for your erroneous well sounding but wrong postings. Bob isn't what you allege, yet you go on and on about things you don't know. Who are you BArt FAvre AaRoN?
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."