The ONLY one I see here spouting hatred is Troy.
He keeps talking about how I, as a Christian, hate. Yet he is the only one who is so full of hate, he shows it in every post he makes.
He says how liberals are accepting of others, yet he only accepts those that believe as he does.
He is one of the most judgmental people I have ever seen.
He points out every fault he perceives in others, yet is blind to his own hatred and judge mental actions.
I have stated over and over that I don't hate gay people, just that I call sin what it is, sin. Yet he ignores that, sees only what he WANTS to see, and ignores the truth.
He is blind to his own hatred. Yet is over anxious to point out the faults of others.
He ignores facts and reality, because it might make him face his own short comings.
It must be awful being such a hateful self righteous person.
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
You can't even spot the hatred in the right wing agenda, because you blindly follow and support it. I don't hate you idiots, I feel sorry for you and have been trying to help you see how duped you are. My approach has been abominable, but I don't care about your feelings because you don't care about the feelings of minorities, immigrants, or LGBT people.
Take the race issue, you guys blame the oppressed for their reaction to their oppressors. How stupid is that? Minorities have every right to their anger, and should be applauded for the restraint they've had over the centuries. One day it is going to explode in this country, and you better be well armed, Cheesey, with the opinions you've expressed.
Take the LGBT issue: just fuck off already with your hatred for those people's indifference to how you chose to live your life.
Take income inequality: working class Republicans would actually rather have "right to work" over union compensation. How fucking stupid are you people? 😂 Yeah give me $15 an hour with no benefits instead of $25 an hour with health care, sick and vacation leave, and a pension. Mind numbing how dumb you all are.
Take taxation: tax breaks for the wealthy only? Whew, how can I possible explain how bad you working class Republicans are getting fucked on this one. Your retort - "but they're the job creators". 😂 😂 😂 😂
And finally - welfare: It is perfectly acceptable for corporate welfare and wealthy individuals to evade taxes, but heaven forbid we provide food stamps for people below the poverty line. Because that's what Jesus taught. Oh wait, no it isn't.
No Cheesey, I don't hate you, I feel bad for you because you are a warped human being with the agenda you blindly follow. A person in your financial position should hate Republicans, because they want to end social programs that you are currently relying on. And if you don't believe that, you really aren't very observant to what has been going on in this country for decades.