I say we abolish all guns. All lawyers. And open farm trade schools and make those farmers who produce X amount be tax exempt. World problems = solved.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Does the farmer just produce it or is he responsible for getting it to market?
Is the quota per acre of per farm?
What do you do when one farmer has great lad, flat rich soil and another has small tracts of hilly, sandy ground?
What about farmers who irrigate? Do they have a different quota than their neighbors who do't irrigate with the same kind of ground?
Then there are those who no till. There production is less than farmers who till but they don't let the top soil blow away and they don't compact the ground as much. There production is less but they save on fuel costs.
Then again they have to apply more chemicals to the land. So that brings up the next question what about those who use fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides?
GMO farming?
Are you going to allow for moister content? You will have a larger yield when there is more moister in the grain but it cost a lot of money to dry it down. If you don't get the moister down to a certain range it will spoil faster.
You do realize the US already produces enough to feed the world don't you? The waste is often the chain from producer (farmer) to market. I see grain elevators put hundreds of thousands of bushels of corn on the ground because they don't have the capacity to to store everything that's produced.
And then what about the guy who is not a farmer who busts his butt working 70-80 hours a week to take care of his family? Why should he pay the taxes and not the farmer who can meet this mythical quota working long hours in the spring and fall and golfing in the summer and in FL during the winter?
DO we need to talk about livestock farmers? There is a whole new set of questions.