Those damn professors have too much power and autonomy. I remember my first semester of my freshman year at U. of Wis. in Madtown, as it was but wasn't called then. I had a B+ in Poli Sci going into an essay final exam that counted 30%. I naively wrote an eloquent defense of Joe McCarthy. The asshole dropped my B+ to a D for the course, which I don't think was even mathematically possible.
Originally Posted by: texaspackerbacker
Profs :-& (Wade not included.)
Business Law- The Assoc Prof. Said there are 3 answers. The right one, the wrong one and MINE. Choose mine. He out right lied to use. Back in 1980 he said if Iowa made the final for he has his course partner would treat all the Business Law classes that they taught to a party at their expense. IA made it but then lost to Louisville in the semis and Purdue in the third place game. (I had to look it up.) The profs were so disappointed they came up with some lame excuse as to why they didn't have to keep their word.
Philosophy- I think back on page 1 I mentioned how he had these crazy ideas on how it was ok to kill/murder one person if the act allowed 100 people to live. Never got along with the idiot. And he ridiculed anyone who stood up to him.
Computer programing- This was back in the days of making punch cards in FORTRAN language. He had no personality at all. He leaned against the blackboard and spoke in a monotone voice regurgitating HIS book that he had to use for our text book. (The number of times I had to buy a prof textbook is criminal.) I was total lost in the class and he would not help explain the process other than to recite what he said in class time.
The list goes on but after 35 years the memory fails a bit.