I think officiating is getting better, because refs know they're being watched and graded closer, where back in the day, the film wouldn't be good enough to tell the ref is wrong or not.
Now the video clearly shows it, so they've had to improve, the problem is technology has improved a hell of a lot, for fans to watch and review, and NFL has rejected adding most of that same technology to help the refs.
Instead Goodell and the head refs have decided to make the rules more vague, so the refs interpretation of said rules can be more vague, and the NFL can blindly back up the refs as the NFL under Goodell cares more about the PR of the game than the actual quality of the game.
And now, I'm pretty sure we saw evidence where the Refs aren't following the official rule book... as they overturned the St. Brown non-TD to be a TD extremely late... no ref on the field is doing that... that was probably the sky ref illegally talking with the refs on the field.
Just like the Refs started changing how they were calling the catch rule, the year before the catch rule officially changed.
So the NFL is now saying they're the official rule book, not what's actually written in the rule book.
Remember the fail mary play? The ref claimed the NFL that under no circumstances are they to call a penalties on the last seconds of a game... at the end of the game, just let players play...
Then in the NFC game Saints vs Rams... Saints get screwed when Rams player out right tackles Saints WR clearly before the ball is there and right in front of the ref... why? Ref is listening to the NFL and not calling penalties right before the end of the game.
It's hard for me to blame the actual on field refs... they generally seem to be doing the stupid shit their boss is tell them to do... sometimes your boss tells you to do stupid shit and you got to do it.