To say he has proved me wrong would be the understatement of the year. (yeah, its a new year, but you know what I mean) While I wasn't the only one calling for his head, I was the loudest. And now its time to eat crow.
Things were not looking good after the Tampa game. Penalties were adding up at a record pace, the offensive line was a mess, the Vikings had swept us, and we had just lost to one of the worst teams in the NFL.
Since then, the Packers are 7-1. As I have always said, the buck stops with MM. He is responsible for what happens on the field. And what has happened this year is the Packers have rebounded, and are now one of the best teams in the NFL. MM deserves credit for that.
Another thing for which he deserves credit, is that the players never questioned him, and did not point fingers.
To make a long story short, I was wrong, I am glad I was wrong, and GO PACK GO!