Wow....just wow.
Here's a part of what was said there:
" Governments' attempts to manipulate Earth's temperature now comprise one of the world's largest industries. Tens of billions of dollars are being dispensed, as by the U.S. Energy Department, which has suddenly become, in effect, a huge venture capital operation, speculating in green technologies. Political, commercial, academic and journalistic prestige and advancement can be contingent on not disrupting the (postulated) consensus that is propelling the gigantic and fabulously lucrative industry of combating global warming."
That shows one HUGE reason why this garbage science bothers me. I thank God i don't have any kids. Because the next several generations will be paying through the nose for the "planet saving" lie.
It's all about the money.
And Obama promising things about it that are impossible. But heck, who will remember his speech or even care in 2050? He can make up any number he wants in the future, and how can anyone prove him wrong?
I'm sure i'll be LONG dead by then, and Obama will be what, in his 80's or 90's if he's still alive?