David....the reason i get so upset at this kind of garbage is that millions upon millions of dollars are being spent to "combat" this non existant thing. They use it to get people to donate their hard earned money, they use it as an excuse to raise your taxes. And in fact there is nothing that mankind can do to regulate the temperature of the earth.
So the current trend is that the temperature is going up a little. The earth has ALWAYS gone through temperature phases. Sometimes a little warmer, sometimes a little colder.
But the normal temp swing is being used to control and scare people. Is that the right thing to do?
I used AL Gore because he has been one of the main caractures running around with "The sky is falling!" attitude. Making films, "preaching" about it. It has nothing to do with his political standing.
I respected president Kennedy. He was a Democrat. I choose who i vote for based on what they stand for, not DEm or Rep. If Joe Liebermann would have run, i would have voted for him.
Yes, it's true the "liberal" side is the one spreading this whole global warming scare, and so far i have'nt seen any conservatives saying it's true.
I'm against the money making scheme and the brain washing of our children.
Does that make me a bad guy?