Happy thanksgiving, my American friends.
"wpr" wrote:
Thanks Rock. Do you have a holiday that is similar in any way?
"Rockmolder" wrote:
No, we don't, actually. Pretty weird. Most of our holidays are in remembrance of people. Nearly all of them, actually.
Sinterklaas is coming up, though, but that's more of a childrens festival more than anything else.
At least Christmas is coming off. Favorite holiday of the year.
"wpr" wrote:
What kind of foods do you have?
By now you have heard that our Thanksgiving is typically a turkey dinner with a variety of side dishes. Lots of different pies for desert with pumpkin and apple being a couple of the more traditional pies.
Our Christmas meal is pretty much the same. If there is a larger group getting together we have a second meat dish. Ham is common. My mother being of Italian decent, we very often have lasagna. She has had prime rib once or twice. Rabbit once. Roast beef a few times.
Lots of pies and cookies.
"Rockmolder" wrote: