Roughly 13,000 of the inmates currently in Illinois prisons are serving time for non-violent, Class 4 felony drug possession. Not drug dealing, drug possession.
I understand the cost per inmate is in the neighborhood of $20,000 annually (plus or minus 5 grand). So, some quick math., 13,000 inmates times $20,000 each is $260 million.
Let's say we can put them into drug rehab for half that. That's $130 million annual savings. That sure helps close the structural deficit.
1. Marijuana is an unknown as a drug. Technically classified as a hallucinogen it shares aspects of all 5 types of drugs.
While many drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen, cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties, perhaps leaning the most towards hallucinogen or psychedelic properties, though with other effects quite pronounced as well.
2. Largely believed to spread cancer Cannabis actually has never been proven to do so. In fact, the exact opposite has been found.
The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.
3. Ending marijuana prohibition would eliminate the black market that's been created for it since it's much easier to cultivate than any other "drug." That means all related crime would effectively be eliminated as well. Organized crime would lose power and support.
4. Tax-payers money would not be spent on marijuana related inmates. In addition marijuana would be taxed making it profitable for the government. The black market for marijuana is the by far the largest for every drug hauling in an estimated $140 billion dollars annually, worldwide. Cocaine, the next highest drug on the market gets only half of that at $70 billion.
Source .
5. It would allow police officers to spend time doing real police work instead of arresting young adults. The key here is the responsibility of the user, not the effects of the "drug."
6. Alcohol is easily a more dangerous drug. Easily. In fact there have been a few studies done of people driving under the influence of pot. The findings? High drivers tend to drive slower and more carefully.
Concerns about stoned drivers careening across our nation's highways are frequently cited as a justification for the continued criminalization of marijuana. Given the massive casualties associated with drunk driving, it's easy to understand how the specter of increased roadside fatalities can be effective in reinforcing negative attitudes about marijuana. However, a new report reveals that, while stoned driving isn't smart, it's hardly the death sentence some would have us believe.
Although acute cannabis intoxication following smoking has been shown to mildly impair psychomotor skills, this impairment is seldom severe or long lasting. In closed course and driving simulator studies, marijuanas acute effects on psychomotor performance include minor impairments in tracking (eye movement control) and reaction time, as well as variation in lateral positioning, headway (drivers under the influence of cannabis tend to follow less closely to the vehicle in front of them), and speed (drivers tend to decrease speed following cannabis inhalation). In general, these variations in driving behavior are noticeably less consistent or pronounced than the impairments exhibited by subjects under the influence of alcohol. Also, unlike subjects impaired by alcohol, individuals under the influence of cannabis tend to be aware of their impairment and try to compensate for it accordingly, either by driving more cautiously or by expressing an unwillingness to drive altogether.
I don't condone driving high, in fact I think driving under the influence of any substance is stupid.
If you have any more questions about cannabis feel free to ask. As someone who smokes it time-to-time I felt the need to research it when I myself questioned it's illegality. I think alcohol is a lot worse. I'm not saying marijuana is perfect and has no problems. Laziness is one of the biggest problems I have with it. But what's wrong with being a responsible user in the comfort of your own home? Marijuana is widely enough available that anyone who wants it can already find it. Ending the prohibition would allow it to be regulated properly so it's taxed and not sold to minors. Like all problems I think education and understanding the issue is most important.