There are plenty of Wolf and even a few Sherman holdovers on this team.
"porky88" wrote:
3 Wolf?
5 Sherman?
I don't know if that's plenty. But, I think five are starters, so five out of 22...
"Zero2Cool" wrote:
It's plenty enough IMO.
If Thompson was an egomaniac hell bent on stealing the glory from everyone then there wouldn't be even one or two. Why risk it and since his ego is so big and he wants the fame, he might as well go all in and get rid of Driver, Harris, Barnett, Kampman, Clifton, Tauscher, Wells, and Jenkins. He also extended some of them. Why extend them?
Eight players whom are significant players including Tauscher over this span as well. Not to mention Favre, Bubba Franks, Corey Williams, and KGB over the years he's been here. You factor that in + the fact that he's laid back and he seems to not like talking to the press or did at first and you get anyone but someone seeking fame IMO.
Fame and egomaniac are not the right words to describe this guy.
"porky88" wrote: