What do you guys expect McCarthy to say?
Remember that 31 other teams can view his comments the same way we can. Even if things change he's not going to let on.
"longtimefan" wrote:
How can it possibly benefit another team if he says "I was extremely disappointed with performance all-around. This week we made our guys put in some additional practice time, and our coaching staff spent individual time with each player going over tape to highlight the errors and - most importantly, what we need to do differently if we need to win."?
But that would just make too much sense.
"DKF295" wrote:
I dont think it has ANYTHING to do with benefiting another team.
I think it is more they want all negative things to stay behind closed door..Period....
but thats just me
"TheEngineer" wrote:
I think that's right. The whole "fiasco" made them all "worse", too. I was listening to Cowherd (I know everyone hates him but me, but whaddya gonna do in your car, listen to music or somethin'?) - Cowherd was talking about college football coaches and the media.
He was making the point that many college football coaches "own" their town, in the sense that they control the local media, that relies upon them. An adjunct to that is that they don't give much of a damn about what they disseminate to the local media, as their organization doesn't rely upon it. The only time they start being deferential or informative,,or the opposite...very guarded...is when the national media starts showing up.
He went on to say that the NFL coaches in the big markets are far more likely to be at least a little more deferential to the media, because the organizations that they represent want and need them to be. I think he mentioned Green Bay as one of the exceptions to this rule, and I think he further went on to say how "they are not used" to the kind of media (national) that descended upon them due to that "fiasco".
Remember, this is the organization that went and got a politico for PR purposes. They are way used to having (relatively speaking) softballs thrown their way. That quasi-cozy relationship is being dismantled by the competition for information, the switch to a web-based source of information--all kinds of reasons. In the net big scheme of things, it is probably a good thing, but our organization seems resistant to the change, as they came to many of these realizations as a result of the whole retire/unretire/retire thingy.
Why a good thing? Just look at what is happening with the local media. GBPG has become one hell of a lot more tech-savvy--- everybody there is now blogging, we get to learn what is going on practice, etc. JsOnline is running neck and neck with them at those practices, blogs in practical real time from all of them...We get all kinds of information that used to take--God forbid-- almost a DAY to get (can you imagine :thumbleft: ) due to some of this shift in the way we get our news.
Thing is, we don't get enough of it--relatively speaking--from where we want it...The Packers themselves. They have to rely on a passionate fanbase, moreso than any other franchise, which means their version has to be carefully orchestrated whenever possible. This is way too long, and really only begins to crack/broach some of my opinions...sorry.