"Hi, I'm Ted Thompson. Welcome to my pre-draft press conference. I'm not really going to say anything or commit to anything that you can rely on at any point in the future, and especially not before the draft or my retirement from the Green Bay Packers. And I have no intention of retiring before the draft or after the draft either (that was that other guy, remember?).
"But I'll be happy to hang out with you guys for an hour or so if you want to ask me some questions that I will (a) fail to answer, (b) answer in vague nothings, (c) answer with lies and half-truths, or (d) answer by going off on a tangent about anything else I might think relevant to missing or evading or not bothering trying to figure out your question."
Then, sixty minutes or so later ...
"Thank you very much. Have a nice day, or a bad day, or whichever kind of day you wish to have as you blather on trying to read the tea leaves of this coffee drinker. "
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)