Now, as i have stated before, evolution qualifies as a "religion". It is after all a set of beliefs whose purpose is to tell the origin of the universe.
They even have their own language. They often use words like, "we BELIEVE", "perhaps", "Maybe", "probably", and so on. The "god" they bow down to is "nature", usually called "Mother Nature". (It's something how God is "the Father", and they use "mother" to follow.) "Mother nature" is the one responsible for everything we see. She is deaf, blind, and mute. She has NO "moral dictates". Thus, if you follow evolution, you have NO ONE to answer too.
The story of creation and the message of Jesus come from the SAME book. If you can't trust/believe one, how can you trust/believe the other?
Thats why i have problems with people that say they are Christians and say they don't believe in the Biblical account of creation.
You see, the "bible" of evolution changes all the time. Did you know that in 1925 the "science books" taught that caucasions were a supieor race over people of color? If you read Darwin's writtings, you'd see that he "preached" racism. So it seems every year, evolution stories change. But THE Bible doesn't change.
Adolph Hitler was a follower of Darwin. He used Darwin's chart to "speed up" evolution by wiping out all races that were "closer to pure ape", which evolution taught at the time.