haze, this isn't the same as Lofton. Brett did many things in his last few years in GB to basically wear out his welcome. He had had enough of the execs, and the execs had had enough of him. Sad, but it happens all the time. So, a divorce. Then he goes on and handles things in a way that I don't like. I'm not going to apologize for being upset with him. That's my prerogative.
So, I will not cheer for Brett when he comes out of the tunnel. I will cheer for him if he gets knocked down, looks hurt, then gets assisted off the field, just like I did for Adrian Peterson in GB last year. He's a great player and I hate seeing anyone get hurt. So, I'll do what I think is right. I'll cheer for the Packers and against their rivals. And I won't buy one of these:

but I can chuckle at it when I see it. I'm not classless enough to get one. Brett Favre is and most likely always will be my one football hero. But, over the course of the last 6-8 years, my hero has developed into a preeeeeeetty self-important person, and that makes me sad. We all want our heroes to be perfect, and it hurts when we realize that we're delusional and that they are, in fact, just people like you and me.
I will not boo my hero. But I hope my team kicks the shit out of his team.