Twitter is sad.
"Orygunfan76" wrote:
Why? I don't believe that people won't go out to meet eachother anymore. Of course there might be a drop-down, because it's easier to tlk to other people online, but how many 18 year olds do you really know that don't go out at all and sit behind their PC at all times? The couple that do, are most likely the same ones that where einzelgngers in the 50s.
I know that most people don't give a rats ass about my life. I don't care. I can actually talk to Ian Cummings. Ask him stuff. It gets people closer together in a way.
Also, everyone likes to feel important. Nearly no one is, really. These social networking sites are a great way to express yourself in ways you would not do normally, because you get a sense of importance and openness. Expression is very valued in modern society, for as far as I know.
I know that it has its downs, but I still don't get why people are in two camps on this subject. Haters and lovers. I don't really love it, but I do have an account on which I 'tweet' from time to time.