I don't get it...........TT haters were pissing and moaning that Ted Thompson was too much of a tightwad.........TT haters were pissing and maoning that he wouldn't get Jennings signed...........it's obvious there is NO pleasing some.
We get Jennings signed, pay him well, and somehow thats turned around into a negative?
I don't get it.
Wait......yeas i do! Haters will hate Ted Thompson no matter WHAT he does. We now have proof of that.
Lets see what would ave happened if he had'nt got this done. What would have happened?
"TT's a TIGHTWAD! He refused to pay our best WR the money he deserves!!!! It's ALL because Ted Thompson refuses to pay anyone!!!"
Now he gets it done, and "He overpayed! He only signed Jennings cause he's one of HIS guys!"