15 years ago
Hmmmmmm, interesting

The Titans game GB had the ball with 4:00 left and had to punt it at the 2:00 mark after A-Rod threw 3 incomplete passes, and a 2 yard dump-off on 3rd and 10 on the drive.

If A-Rod delivers their is NO overtime.

Regarding the Falcons game we were down by 3 in the 4th quarter and A-Rod through an INT which Atl returned to the redzone. If A-Rod doesn't throw this pick the game is alot closer at the end. A-Rod caused the Packers to not be in position to wrap it up in the 4th with a silly throw

You must also be confused on the Texans game. The Packers had the ball in a TIE football game with 4:00 left and they had to punt at the 2-Minute mark. The Texans drive and win at the end. If Rodgers converts the Texans never get the ball back and we run out the clock.

The missed FG by Crosby of 52 Yards is debatable I guess but A-Rod had the ball on the MINN 40 with 2:15 left. He failed to get a first down to make it an easier kick.

How you don't put a big part of the end-game play on Rodgers for these 4 is beyond me. Sure glad you are unbiased.
15 years ago

If I were to say Brett Favre has the most consecutive game stating streak would you expect me to link to every game as proof?

It's fact, one I take it you were unaware of.

"dd80forever" wrote:

It's just this sort of condescending crap that has caused me to lose all respect for you. I know you're intelligent, but you're like a two-year-old screaming and thrashing because his parent is holding him fast when he wants to go play. It speaks volumes about your maturity.

Please show a little respect to the guy who provides this site free of charge for us all to enjoy.
15 years ago
I've said it before, I'll say it again. Come-from-behind victories is one of the most overrated statistics imaginable. It's not something to be proud of -- you don't WANT to have to come from behind. If you have to come from behind to win, it means you didn't take care of business earlier in the game. A lot of come-from-behind victories are caused by QBs fumbling or throwing interceptions and getting themselves in a hole.

I'd be happy with a QB who had zero career come-from-behind victories if he won us a Super Bowl.
15 years ago

If I were to say Brett Favre has the most consecutive game stating streak would you expect me to link to every game as proof?

It's fact, one I take it you were unaware of.

"Nonstopdrivel" wrote:

It's just this sort of condescending crap that has caused me to lose all respect for you. I know you're intelligent, but you're like a two-year-old screaming and thrashing because his parent is holding him fast when he wants to go play. It speaks volumes about your maturity.

Please show a little respect to the guy who provides this site free of charge for us all to enjoy.

"dd80forever" wrote:

When will he pull out the all great...

15 years ago
+1 Green Ninja! That image would make a great avatar if it weren't in such a wide aspect ratio.
15 years ago

If I were to say Brett Favre has the most consecutive game stating streak would you expect me to link to every game as proof?

It's fact, one I take it you were unaware of.

"Nonstopdrivel" wrote:

It's just this sort of condescending crap that has caused me to lose all respect for you. I know you're intelligent, but you're like a two-year-old screaming and thrashing because his parent is holding him fast when he wants to go play. It speaks volumes about your maturity.

Please show a little respect to the guy who provides this site free of charge for us all to enjoy.

"dd80forever" wrote:

This wasn't meant as an insult at all.

I'm stating I thought this was common knowledge, I was unaware Zero did not know this fact.

And lose respect for me? I don't even know you man so if you think that bugs me you are wrong. I would have to respect you to even care and I never had anything more respect for you than the clerk at the gas station.

There are people here I respect because I've been chatting with them for some time, you are not one of them. All you've ever done is get pissed at me because I disagree with you. I will give you common courtesy but respect is a little strong.

You can hate my guts for all I care.
15 years ago

Hmmmmmm, interesting

The Titans game GB had the ball with 4:00 left and had to punt it at the 2:00 mark after A-Rod threw 3 incomplete passes, and a 2 yard dump-off on 3rd and 10 on the drive.

If A-Rod delivers their is NO overtime.

Regarding the Falcons game we were down by 3 in the 4th quarter and A-Rod through an INT which Atl returned to the redzone. If A-Rod doesn't throw this pick the game is alot closer at the end. A-Rod caused the Packers to not be in position to wrap it up in the 4th with a silly throw

You must also be confused on the Texans game. The Packers had the ball in a TIE football game with 4:00 left and they had to punt at the 2-Minute mark. The Texans drive and win at the end. If Rodgers converts the Texans never get the ball back and we run out the clock.

The missed FG by Crosby of 52 Yards is debatable I guess but A-Rod had the ball on the MINN 40 with 2:15 left. He failed to get a first down to make it an easier kick.

How you don't put a big part of the end-game play on Rodgers for these 4 is beyond me. Sure glad you are unbiased.

"dd80forever" wrote:

I'm confused here. Are you talking to me in this post?

Titans game - 1st and 10 @ 2:51
Rodgers, incomplete to Humphrey
Rodgers, incomplete to Nelson
Rodgers, 2 yarder to Jackson

The reason I can't put this on Rodgers alone, because we don't know if the balls were catchable, enough time in the pocket, etc... too many variables to pin it on one person, in my opinion.

The Packers had to punt at the 2:00 mark in the TITANS and TEXANS games. Both games the Packers got the ball with four minutes and change on the clock too.

Texans game can't be put on Rodgers so easily. If the defense recovers the fumble by Schaub at the 28, the Packers are lined up for a 54 yard FG (assuming they don't make any progress) for a game winning FG. The defense played a part in the loss more than Rodgers. The defense should have been able to hold the TEXANS to less than 21 points. They didn't, they take the blame of the loss in my opinion.

Week - Opponent / With 4:00 remaining, closest the score was / Outcome (Brief summary)

Week 1 - Vikings / 24 - 12 / Win
Week 2 - Lions / 34 - 25 / Win
Week 3 - Cowboys / 27 - 16 / Lost
Week 4 - Buccaneers / 21 - 23 / Lost (Rodgers throws INT, Buccaneers score TD to seal the game)
Week 5 - Falcons / 27 - 24 / Lost (Packers TD at 1:56 mark, Falcons ran the clock out.)
Week 6 - Seahawks / 27 - 17 / Win
Week 7 - Colts / 34 - 14 / Win
Week 9 - Titans / 16 - 16 / Lost (OT, Titans won coin flip, scored.)
Week 10 - Vikings / 28 - 27 / Lost (Crosby misses 52 yard FG with :31 left)
Week 11 - Bears / 37 - 3 / Win
Week 12 - Saints / 45 - 29 / Lost
Week 13 - Panthers / 31 - 28 / Lost (Packers score FG with 2:00 left to lead by 3. Panthers scored a TD to take 4 point with :90 on clock, Rodgers throws INT on second play of drive.)
Week 14 - Texans / 21 - 21 / Lost (Packers tied game at 6:00 with TD, Texans go 75 yds, FG to take lead, Packers did not get the ball after the FG.)
Week 15 - Jaguars / 16 - 20 / Lost (Packers with ball, 1:50 remaining, Rodgers throw's INT, game over.)
Week 16 - Bears / 17 - 17 / Lost (Crosby misses 38 yard FG with :25), game goes to OT, Bears won coin flip, scored.)
Week 17 - Lions / 31 - 21 / Win

"Zero2Cool" wrote:

There is EIGHT games we were within EIGHT points of taking the lead for the win. So, it is accurate to say that the Packers (or Rodgers for those who are bias against him) were 0 - 8 with 4:00 minutes to go and one score of taking the lead.

Here is how I lay the blame on five of the games that I feel we should have pulled out a WIN.

Buccaneers = Rodgers
Vikings = Crosby
Panthers = Rodgers (even though we took the lead by three with 2:00 to go, he had another chance)
Jaguars = Rodgers
Bears = Crosby

3 fall on Rodgers, 2 fall on Crosby and the other 3 fall on the 'team' effort.

In my opinion, Rodgers could have given us three more wins, but failed. Crosby could have added two more wins, and failed.

I am NOT going to do this for Favre because from dd80's comments I can see exactly where he'll turn it into and I am really, really, REALLY tired of that shtick.

15 years ago

If I were to say Brett Favre has the most consecutive game stating streak would you expect me to link to every game as proof?

It's fact, one I take it you were unaware of.

"The_Green_Ninja" wrote:

It's just this sort of condescending crap that has caused me to lose all respect for you. I know you're intelligent, but you're like a two-year-old screaming and thrashing because his parent is holding him fast when he wants to go play. It speaks volumes about your maturity.

Please show a little respect to the guy who provides this site free of charge for us all to enjoy.

"Nonstopdrivel" wrote:

When will he pull out the all great...


"dd80forever" wrote:

Grow up.

Ban Him!
Ban Him!
Ban Him!

Get outta here with that whiny stuff. State why you disagree.......or............. just get mad and cry about me being banned because that brings so much into the discussion
15 years ago

This wasn't meant as an insult at all.

I'm stating I thought this was common knowledge, I was unaware Zero did not know this fact.

"dd80forever" wrote:

What is common knowledge and fact? That Brett started X amount of games? I never disputed that or asked for proof of it. And that'd be an easy one to prove via one single link. Your statement of the 0 - 8 thing is not so easily proven unless you find a source that is very trustworthy. And I don't trust the media, therefore I do my own research. I like to see the breakdowns on how the conclusion came about. I find that stuff interesting. So if that means I'm 'out of the loop' on 'common knowledge', so be it.
15 years ago

I will give you common courtesy but respect is a little strong.

"dd80forever" wrote:

That's where you and I differ then. I try my hardest to respect everyone until they prove intractable. I hardly agree on anything with most of my closest friends, but we all respect and admire each other because we know what we believe and we're able to argue for our beliefs.

I've never "gotten pissed" at you, as you put it, for disagreeing with me. I do think you sometimes rehash the same arguments ad nauseum, but I don't get "pissed" about that. In fact, I can point to a number of posts in which I give you props for raising good points. The only thing I've ever taken issue with you personally is your tone, which is consistently sarcastic, snide, condescending, and often downright insulting. I understand that you're in the minority on a lot of issues, but I don't see why you have to be so strident about expressing yourself.

But this is Zero's show and he seems to like you, so I'm hands off.
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (3h) : Good deal too
Martha Careful (4h) : Maxx Crosby resigned by Raiders
Zero2Cool (13h) : Chargers release Joey Bosa
Zero2Cool (4-Mar) : Appears Jets released Adams. It'll be official in few hours.
Zero2Cool (3-Mar) : We have re-signed LB Isaiah McDuffie
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Jets taking calls for Davante Adams. That $38m cap number hurting lol
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Guess it's not official until the 12th
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Deebo went for a 5th to Commanders?
Martha Careful (1-Mar) : Just like my late husband!!
Zero2Cool (1-Mar) : Once fired up, it should be good
Zero2Cool (1-Mar) : Sometimes, the first page load will be slow. it's firing up the site.
Martha Careful (1-Mar) : The site is operating much faster...tyvm
Mucky Tundra (28-Feb) : It's the offseason and the draft is still nearly 2 months away, what can ya do?🤷‍♂️
Zero2Cool (27-Feb) : NFL teams were notified today that the 2025 salary cap has been set at $279,200,000 per club.
Zero2Cool (27-Feb) : sssllllooooow
Martha Careful (27-Feb) : is it just me, or has the website been slow the last couple of days?
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Damnit 2026 2nd rnd pick!
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Packers get Myles Garret and Browns 2926 2nd rnd pick.
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Browns get Jaire, + Packers #1 2025 pick and 2026 3rd rnd pick.
beast (26-Feb) : Rams trying to trade Stafford and Kupp, then signing Rodgers and Adams? Just speculation, but interesting
Zero2Cool (26-Feb) : Packers shopping Jaire Alexander per Ian Rapoport
Zero2Cool (25-Feb) : Gutekunst and Jaire Alexander’s agent, John Thornton, are meeting this week in Indianapolis to determine the future of the Packers’ 28-year-
Zero2Cool (25-Feb) : Gutekunst says Mark Murphy told him he can trade their first-round pick despite the draft being in Green Bay.
Zero2Cool (24-Feb) : Packers. 🤦
Zero2Cool (24-Feb) : One team.
Zero2Cool (24-Feb) : One team petition NFL to ban Brotherly Shove.
beast (23-Feb) : Seems like he was just pissed because he was no longer the starter
beast (23-Feb) : Campbell is right, he's rich and he doesn't have to explain sh!t... but that attitude gives teams reasons to never sign him again.
dfosterf (22-Feb) : I have some doubt about all that
dfosterf (22-Feb) : I read De'Vondre Campbell's tweet this morning (via the New York Post) Florio says that if he invested his earnings wisely, he will be good
beast (20-Feb) : I haven't followed, but I believe he's good when healthy, just hasn't been able to stay healthy.
dfosterf (20-Feb) : Hasn"t Bosa missed more games than he has played in the last 3 years?
Mucky Tundra (19-Feb) : He hasn't been too bad when healthy but I don't feel like I ever heard much about when he is
Zero2Cool (19-Feb) : Felt like he was more interested in his body, than football. He flashed more than I expected
Zero2Cool (19-Feb) : When he was coming out, I thought he'd be flash in pan.
Mucky Tundra (19-Feb) : Joey seems so forgettable compared to his brother for some reason
Zero2Cool (19-Feb) : NFL informed teams today that the 2025 salary cap will be roughly $277.5M-$281.5M
Zero2Cool (19-Feb) : Los Angeles Chargers are likely to release DE Joey Bosa this off-season as a cap casualty, per league source.
Zero2Cool (18-Feb) : If the exploit is not fixed, we'll see tons of "50 top free agents, 50 perfect NFL team fits: We picked where each should sign in March" lo
Zero2Cool (18-Feb) : Issue should be solved, database cleaned and held strong working / meeting. Boom!
Zero2Cool (18-Feb) : It should be halted now.
Mucky Tundra (18-Feb) : usually spambots are trying to get traffic to shady websites filled with spyware; the two links being spammed were to the Packers website
Mucky Tundra (18-Feb) : you know when you put it that way combined with the links it was spamming (to the official Packers website)
Zero2Cool (18-Feb) : Yep. You can do that with holding down ENTER on a command in Console of browser
Mucky Tundra (18-Feb) : even with the rapid fire posts?
Zero2Cool (18-Feb) : I'm not certain it's a bot.
Mucky Tundra (18-Feb) : I've got to go to work soon which is a pity because I'm enthralled by this battle between the bot and Zero
Zero2Cool (18-Feb) : Yeah, I see what that did. Kind of funny.
Mucky Tundra (18-Feb) : now it's a link to Wes Hodkiezwicz mailbag
Mucky Tundra (18-Feb) : Now they're back with another topic
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Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Jan 5 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Jan 12 @ 3:30 PM
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