15 years ago

Man. For a balding dude in his 40s, he's got quite the wife.

"Rockmolder" wrote:

He has money.
15 years ago

Well.....he does "lithp" when he talks! LOL!

Anyway..........I'm not homophobic. But i'll tell you the truth.....i can NOT understand how one guy can look at another guy's butt and say "Oh! I want me some of that!!!"
I have NEVER looked at ANY guy that way.
It just boggles my mind. With all the women out there, that a guy would want some hairy disgusting man-butt!!!

"Cheesey" wrote:

As a straight guy, men's bodies turn me off in several ways:
1) bodies are too hard,
2) bodies don't have enough curves,
3) men's natural smells turn me off

I think with sexual orientation, you're born into it. I don't think it's a choice.

I can't speak for gay men, but I'll wildly guess:
1) they like hard bodies,
2) they like a man's shape vs a woman's curves,
3) they are attracted to men's smells

Although I've been to gay restaurants, gay dance clubs, and yes, gay bars, well over 100 times, I still don't have the courage to ask gay men about this because I don't want to come across as an asshole. But I do want to know the truth, just out of curiosity.

Now back to Garcia, Garcia is very metro and can easily be mistaken for a gay man. This is very racist, but it's true. A black man can be very metro and nobody will accuse him of being gay, but when a white man is metro, you have a lot of people accuse him of being gay.

For the record, I have nothing against anyone as long as they're cool to me and as far as I'm concerned, gay men are generally nicer than straight men (with a few exceptions, I've worked with some gay men who were more catty than any woman I've ever worked with) and they keep their restaurants, dance clubs, and bars open later than straight clubs, and frankly, they're more fun.

So is Garcia gay? I don't think he is. He's just very metro. And just because he's married doesn't mean he's not gay. I've known a lot more than one married man who has a Bette Milder stash.
My man Donald Driver
(thanks to Pack93z for the pic)
2010 will be seen as the beginning of the new Packers dynasty. 🇹🇹 🇲🇲 🇦🇷
15 years ago
Strangest thread I've ever seen on PH.

I don't think Garcia is gay. Not like I have a good gaydar unless they're advertising it though.
15 years ago
Well..........look at Rock Hudson. He was "macho"..........and as gay as can be. He was "married" too, for show.

I don't think most gay people are born that way. At least the ones i have known haven't been born that way. Each of them, gay or lesbian, have had a reason to be that way. For example, one family i know had a gay boy, and girl that became a lesbian. I found out both had been molested by their father.
The girl eventially married. Her husband beat her, so she went lesbo. The woman she "married" came from an abusive husband, and she turned too. Now both of them beat the crap out of each other.
A boy i know has a mom who's as butch as they come, and she hates men. Thus, her son has turned "gay". Why?
So his mom will not HATE him, like she hates all other men.
Thats just a few examples of what i know.
15 years ago
Everyone has their stories. I don't much care where it comes from. The only way I'd have a problem with it is if they all turned out to be unbelievable dicks or something, but the ones I've known have been some of the nicest people. And hey, they're sure doing their part to control the population. They ain't making any more of "that guy" (props to Bill Burr).
15 years ago
* Moved to General Discussion area.. thread has morphed into a topic little to do with the NFL and much to do with a national topic of discussion.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago
On topic, I think a couple of things are clear with regards to Jeff Garcia.

1. He is a pretty talented QB that has been in demand for more than a decade because he can play the game.

2. That there is apparently something under the surface, whether it be something to this nature or something as simple as he doesn't get along with his teammates very well, but Jeff can't seem to stay in one spot very long and secure a prominent role upon the team.

Personally I care little about a persons sexuality unless I am single and the lady in question has my interest... other than that.. it bothers me in the least.

This is a topic where I choose to separate my opinion and that of my faith in religion. There are many things I consider sins in this world, however because this is more of a biological makeup of a person and it poses little harm to others, I have a hard time quantifying it as a sin.

This has gotten me into more angst with the congregation that I care to admit, however as a living breathing soul, I choose to decide for myself and let myself be judged in front of the only one whose judgment matters in the end to decide upon my merits. One of a few areas of "religion" that I have an issue with.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago

I don't think most gay people are born that way. At least the ones i have known haven't been born that way. Each of them, gay or lesbian, have had a reason to be that way. For example, one family i know had a gay boy, and girl that became a lesbian. I found out both had been molested by their father.
The girl eventially married. Her husband beat her, so she went lesbo. The woman she "married" came from an abusive husband, and she turned too. Now both of them beat the crap out of each other.
A boy i know has a mom who's as butch as they come, and she hates men. Thus, her son has turned "gay". Why?
So his mom will not HATE him, like she hates all other men.
Thats just a few examples of what i know.

"Cheesey" wrote:

My uncle was gay.. and I can tell you from conversations that I had with him that there was no such turning point. Quite the opposite to be honest.

During high school and college he "pretended" to be straight just to fit in and not be ridiculed.. being from a small town in the 50's and 60's he lived in fear and oppression... for being born with a different set of attractants.

I have had a number of acquaintances over the years that have been gay, and I won't pretend to know all there stories but the few different cases I do know aren't very different from my uncles life. Ones filled with fear and a drive to "fit" in.. even to the point where they accept a life that doesn't fit their preferences.

I may disagree with their preferences and choices, but in the end, I chose not to judge or generalize on their choices.

So in conclusion, I have no doubt that what you say happens, that people through experiences change their sexual preferences, but I also believe there is a great number of people that didn't change, but instead tried to mask their real identity just to try and fit into the society norms.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago
Well, the only reason i would call it sin is that that is what the Bible labels it as.
It says it's an abomination to God. So "His" word is good enough for me. Now, it's "only" sin, just like any other, and God is the one that will judge it in the end. I don't hate gay people, i just don't agree with their lifestyle choice.
I had an Aunt that was a lesbian.........she was molested by her father.
I would bet that SOMETHING happened to your uncle that caused his lifestyle choice. Some people just arn't willing to face or admit when something awful happened to them. I LOVED my Aunt dearly, and she always treated me wonderfully.
You know, pedophiles say that they were "born that way" too. It's a slipery slope, and once you start down that path, it's REALLY hard to go back.

And, being as God is against homosexuality, even if people think they were born that way, they STILL make the choice of whether or not to ACT on those desires. They CAN choose not to give into them. That IS a choice.
Just like the "priests" that CHOOSE to use their positions to molest children. THEY will be judged HARSHLY for their missuse of power.
They are SUPPOSED to be "men of God". They will not get away with it in the end.
15 years ago
Does the bible really condemn it.. does it crystal clearly define it as a sin. Or like many verses in the bible it is written in such a way that the meaning may be debated for true intent?

I am not in fact defending the lifestyle.. instead simply saying that there is enough ambiguity in the verses of the bible that I have adopted the belief that it is not my place as a Christian to not judge the lifestyle on one set interpretation of the bible verses.

I blame the pastor at our church for my stance on this and other issues within the church, as kids when studying the bible he chose to close off questions that challenged the interpretation of the bible verses.. so I began to break off and research the questions for myself.. maybe it isn't really blame but thanks... in my opinion it has made me a more complete person and Christian on my own terms and interpretations of the bible.. if I am wrong, God will advise me of that on my judgment day. I refuse to conform to the narrow readings that the church dictates.. like I stated it has caused a couple of conversations that were not in my favor..

And example: "That is something which not everyone can accept, but only those for whom God has appointed it. For while some are incapable of marriage because they were born so, or made so by men, there are others who have themselves renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. Let those accept it who can."

So even Jesus says some people are incapable of marriage.. what is the true intent or meaning there?

There.. I think I exhausted my view upon the subject.. I don't believe in the lifestyle myself, however I refuse to condemn it... it will be judged by someone higher than I.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
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