I carved your argument to shreds. That's why you won't respond.
Ted NEVER put a team over the top, and he won't in Green Bay.
By your argument, Mike Sherman never should have been fired, by TED.
Man, is that all you got?
"TheOldMan" wrote:
I would say getting to the championship game was a pretty good achievement. Last year, injuries played a huge role in our record. Losing Williams to cleveland was bigger than most realize too. However, looking at the close games we lost last year and the close games we won the year before, I wopuld say there was not a huge drop off in our talent or abilities. The ball jsut didn't bounce our way, plus our schedule got much tougher.
Rhodes was fired for having no discipline with the team. Hell, Favre went to Bob Harlan after the thrid game and said there were huge problems. (and for your information, Favrwe himself told me that so it is not heresay)
Sherman was fired because of mediocre results, poor listening skills with his assts., and he never got over the fact his GM was taken away from him. While Sherman is a wonderful person, he was not a leader as he tried to do everything himself. he was unable to delagate to his assistants and then trust them enough to let them succeed.
It is much more than just record. The team is headed in the right direction. The talent is improving. The players buy into the system and their leaders. That is critical. Rhodes never haad it. Sherman lost it. And even Holmgren was losing it when he left. (lots of grumbling how the dictatorship of Mike's was wearing thin on the players)
If you look game by game from last season to the year before, you will see we were in the same amount of games, only the 13-3 year, we pulled almost everyone out while this past year we didn't (mainly defensive reasons) .
Another thing for everyone to remember. only one team in 32 teams (I think there are thrity two) wins the Superbowl every year. So statistically, every team should only win the Superbowl once every thrity two years, and get there once every 16 years. Anything more than that reflects on an ABOVE AVERAGE organization. We are that.
"Trippster" wrote: