I was reffering to the Offsides penalty, because our corners are playing past our D-line in the code.
"Rockmolder" wrote:
Yeah i put them there to keep it clean, didnt even realize someone would think that =D
Makes you think though, our defense will most likely be made up off (nearly) the excact same personel in both the 4-3 and the 3-4. That ought to easen the transition alot.
"Rockmolder" wrote:
Yeah i think in most situations, they'll have about 8 of the same 11 starters(no kgb, poppinga(one can hope), or cory williams) that they lined up with a pretty good defense in 07, and what should have been the defense in 08, baring injuries. On paper i think it definitely looks better, but noone really knows until they start playing.